3rd of May – Paranormal Day


“Akte X” (The X-Files) watercolor drawing, 1997


Today is Paranormal Day!

One of the best paranormal TV-series in my mind, is “The X-Files” starring Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. It´s called “Akte X” in German, and when I was at school I did this drawing for a school project. The paper has become yellow over time but the colors are surprisingly still intact.

If you watch out you will see the letters “A”, “K”, “T”, “E” and of course “X” more or less hidden inside the different pictures. And if you remember watching the series, you will also recognize the pictures as parts of the introduction to each episode.

Sidenote: When the series started in German television, I used to ran out of the room as soon as I could hear the theme – so scared was I. 😉 After a time though I caught a glimpse of the main male character – and what can I say? I developed a huge crush on Mr Duchovny and started watching the series with my mum – always keeping my eyes closed when things started to get too yukky though 😉

Did you watch the X-Files? Or even encounter something paranormal?


If you would like to join me in this challenge, just publish your post with the tag maychallenge and pingback to my individual posts so that we can all see and enjoy your post!


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

45 thoughts on “3rd of May – Paranormal Day

  1. I really like your drawing Sarah; and the yellowing paper adds to the mood. I loved the X Files. I was on TV when T and I first went to the UK, and we watched every episode of the first few series avidly. Then I think they must have changed the time it was shown or something, because I missed a lot of the later series. I think it’s on LightBox, so I might have to binge-watch sometime.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Su! 🙂
      And hooray to another X-Files appreciator! 🙂 I really can´t stand it when they change the times they air series – they do this regularly here too and I´ve missed whole seasons because of it! But as you say, the perfect reason to binge-watch it later on 😉

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      1. It happens here all the time. I almost never commit to watching a TV series because I KNOW I will miss a key episode, or sometimes a whole bunch of them because of “scheduling changes” or something. Netflix was invented for people like me.

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  2. I’ve never seen an episode of The X-Files…can you believe it? 😁 And I’ve never encountered anything even remotely weird.
    But I do love your drawing, Sarah. 😊💜

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    1. Thanks, Cathy!
      As the Queen of Creepy you simple never needed it, I guess 😉 I daresay if you had joined the scriptwriters back then, the show would have become even scarier! 🙂
      xoxo ❤


  3. Paranormal Day! Oh, I wish I could have had time to craft a short scary tale. I do remember the X-Files, I saw a few episodes and really liked those, so I have no idea why I did not watch more of it. (I think I was doing night school at the time.) I love your drawing…what a great remembrance piece!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. See? That´s what I just meant 😉 You could come up with a lovely short storie or poems to each of these days! 🙂
      I´m sure they do repeat the x-files on tv regularly, at least they do here 😉 It´s funny though to watch it now – I´m no way near as scared as I used to be!
      Thank you for liking my drawing! I simply had to keep it as it reminded me of these fun days of careless crushes and scares 😉 xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Another beautiful surprise! 🙂
        But I´m having problems following your link… everytime I click on it or copy it it just opens up a “Write a new article” page for me 😦
        Could you send my the name of the post so I can start a search on your blog for it? I would so love to read your scary story!!! 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sorry about that, sometimes I am link-challenged, ha ha. Try searching “Pinky’s Cave Parts 1 & ll” at L.T. Garvin. This is an actual place where I live that is a product of urban lore. Many people do say it is haunted, personally, I did not visit, but let my imagination run with it. I posted it around Halloween time. Many thanks for reading, Sarah!


      3. Hi Lana! So sorry for not having replied earlier to all your messages – my arm tendons troubled me so much that I had to forgo all social media etc because I simply couldn’t type anymore. Thanks for giving me the titles of your stories – I look soooo much forward to finally read them – I just love stories about urban lore 😀 Hope you are well and enjoy a beautiful summer! Much love! Sarah 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You have been in my thoughts, Sarah. I have been thinking about the tendons as I have some experience with that also. I’m behind on my blogging as I’ve been desperately trying to vacate a storage building and get rid of a lot of stuff. It’s been about to kill me, but I’m pretty much done now. I hope you are doing much better, and I also wish you a glorious summer! Much love back to you. Xoxo 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you, Lana. It´s been quite a tough time and I´m glad it seems to be over!
        I´ve been doing some cleaning out lately too, mostly stuff from my school and university days that I´m not going to need anymore (though I do keeps some of it as a reminder of sorts). It´s part relieving and part nostalgic wistfulness, but in the end it felt good, and now there´s much more room for my books 😉 Hope you´ll find the strength to get the rest quickly done as well. Have a beautiful weekend, Lana! Much love! xoxo 🙂

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      6. I’m so glad to hear that you are better. Life seems challenging enough without having a health setback. I also keep some of my university notes and papers. It always amazes me as to how I ever got it all done! I’m in a much better place with the cleaning out and chores, hoping to have it mostly behind me next week :D. Happy weekend to you and much love back to you, Sarah!

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Me too! Although it´s only a couple of years since uni looking at my papers I feel like I was so much cleverer then than I´m now, same goes for my school stuff, especially at maths which was never my favourite 😉

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  4. Oh, yes. I love original X-Files series. I think I followed nearly every one of them. They did it again a year or so ago with the same main casts. The later version did not get me going.

    When I was young, the “Twilight Zone” was the one that made me scared.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too – watched every episode! Still haven’t found the time to watch the later version – I’ve heard a lot that it doesn’t live up to the old one. Twilight Zone was awesome too! 😄

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    1. Thank you, Divya! 😄 It’s a lot of fun to unearth these kind of things and I’m glad I’ve kept most of my artsy stuff done at school. I would never have guessed though that one day I would post them on my blog 😉 xxx

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  5. I have encountered many paranormal activities. My favorite was when my children were at a camp in the yard of an old manor home. I could see a little girl in the top window if I looked at it just right. It seemed to me that she wanted to come out and play with all the campers. We had the opportunity to go on a ghost tour there around Halloween and used dousing rods. That was quite an experience.

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    1. Wow! That sounds exciting! I’m totally fascinated by this kind of things. Never have experienced something like you though – and secretly am not sure if I’m not actually glad about it 😉
      Thanks for sharing this with us, Maneé!

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  6. I absolutely adored the X-Files and one of the wonderful things about living in the US last year was that I could find old repeats most weeks. A cup of cocoa, a slice of cake and David Dukovny …. honestly what more could a girl wish for in life? My youngest daughter (just about to finish her fine arts degree and doing her Viva today so she is much in my thoughts) is a HUGE fan. I rather think you would get along with my girl as well as you get along with her mama! Xxxx PS: I love the picture – so glad you kept it 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I second that! 😄
      The best to your daughter! And she sounds just as wonderful as her mother is 😄 When we meet we shall watch some x files, eat well and drool over Mulder! 😉
      P.S. Thanks for liking my picture 😄 I think I’ve kept all of my artsy stuff I made at school, or at least my mum has. It’s wonderful to have a look at them from time to time 😄 xxxxxxx

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