Summer Companions


I can feel that summer is coming to an end here in the northern hemisphere. It seems to come earlier each year and instead of gently drifting of to autumn it will be winter all of a sudden, at least that´s what happened in the last years and I don´t have reason to believe this will change.

That´s why I decided to save a few impressions of summer by sketching some of the things that keep me company during this season.

These are for one sunglasses…


A sketch of some of my sunglasses (micron ink and water color on paper, August 2017).


… and my trusted straw-hat:


straw hat
A sketch of my straw-hat (micron ink and water color on paper, August 2017).


And because I love taking pictures my camera comes along too of course.


A sketch of my Canon Powershot (micron ink and water color on paper, August 2017).


What are the things that keep you company during summer?

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

76 thoughts on “Summer Companions

  1. I’m so sorry; I’ve missed a bunch of posts and feel very late to the party. I love the idea behind this series of sketches and the drawings themselves are lovely. You constantly inspire me with how your creativity informs every part of your life. xxxx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Su! It´s a wonderful feeling to know that my drawings inspire people! 😀
      And please, there´s no reason to apologize, I completely understand.
      And one can never be to late to a party when the party is still on-going 😉 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

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  2. Sorry I missed this post, slipped past me on the stream. Love this sketches, really capture the mood of summer and their companionship in summer journeys. 🙂 Already September now, but my companions will be the same: my camera and journal, some books to read, and my small laptop all stuffed into my bookbag. I will be a little sad giving up my deck shoes for boots when the rains come, but I am looking forward to the rain and autumn (my fav season). 🙂

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    1. No worries, it happens to me too – a lot! 😀
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and the compliment 🙂
      I only understand too well your resistance to give up your deck shoes and change them for boots – I will try to walk in my sneakers for as long as possible (that is up to the point when the frost threatens to have a go at my toes 😉 ). But at least I know already what I will be sketching then! Lots and lots of boots! 😀
      Have a lovely day and thank you for your visit! 😀

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  3. Lovely sketches, Sarah! Sunglasses, straw hats (I have two) and my trusty Canon Powershot are always at the ready here too. A chill is in the air, but it’s been a wonderful summer here in Central Maine, USA as well. ❤ xo

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  4. What a lovely way to spend the languishing days of summer — by sketching your favorite things. I loved looking at your fantastic sketches! In the summer, I, too, love my straw hat and the a/c in my car since I drove a lot for work during our hottest days. Enjoy the rest of your summer, tigress Sarah. 🌹❤️💋🌞🐯

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    1. Thank you so much, Rose! I´m really enjoying myself so much when drawing and am glad to hear that you also find joy in my sketches! 😀 It´s all an artist can hope for!
      Haha! Yes, I can imagine that the a/c in your car is very dear to you when it´s hot! 😉 It´s always the things that keep us cool in summer and the things that keep us warm in winter that are our special friends 😀
      Enjoy the rest of your summer, too Rose! And I hope you can sneak in some time at a lovely lake or at least in the shade of tree too, instead of just driving around! 🌺💕😘


      1. It´s supposed to read about 30 degrees here!! To be honest: a bit too hot for me, especially in the city but I won´t complain 😉
        Hope to visit your blog soon!! But in case I don´t make it I wish you an awesome weekend too!!! Big hug! xxx

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  5. Each one is amazing Sarah! I love your sketches.:) And the concept too! In the dark of winter, it’ll be nice to peruse through these sketches and think of sunshine & warmth❤️ Here’s to a cosy winter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Divya! 😀
      That´s exactly what I´m planing to do: look at my summer sketches in winter – how awesome of you to know it!! 🙂
      Hope everything is well? Wish you a beautiful week, my dear friend! 🙂 xxxxxx ❤


  6. My tan keeps me company in the summer. 😁 I walk for about 1 1/2 hours every day, listen to music or books while doing so.
    Your sketches are lovely, Sara. You really have a talent for it. 💜

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      1. The tan fades a little in winter, but most of it stays. I’d probably have to stay out of the sun for a year for it to completely go away.
        You have a lovely weekend also, Sarah. 💜😊

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  7. You are right. The summer seems to come to an end now. It gets dark now at 7:30 PM. It seems little too ealy to see summer is ending. Those are nice sketches. Shh.. I attempted sketching again, just one try out for fun. You were right it was fun and feel good 🙂

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  8. Great sketches! So lighthearted and fun. For me, summer is about wearing flip-flops and sandals rather than shoes, and tending to my flowers. And of course sunscreen…the smell of it, combined with the chlorine from a swimming pool, always means summer to me.

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    1. Thanks so much, Ann! 😀
      Oh, were would I be without my flip-flops and sandals?! I will have to make some sketches of them too!! And yes, tending to my flowers is also one of my favorite past-times during summer. I can never get enough smelling at them, photographing them, watch the bees harvesting the nectar… ah, summer! It´s just beautiful, isn´t it? 😀

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  9. Great sketches, Sarah… and sensible advice on wearing sunglasses in the summer! It can get very hot and the heat intense on some summer days down under… and strong winds too, so one needs to be prepared when going out. Yes, I enjoy the outdoors, so really appreciate your wonderful words and post. Enjoy the rest of your summer! 🌞 💕 🌄

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    1. Thank you so much, Iris! 🙂
      Strong winds can be exhilarating but also tiresome, especially on the eyes so wearing big sunglasses is doubly good down under then!
      Wish you a beautiful and creative weekend! 🙂 🌹💕🐨😎

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  10. I have a straw basket that was rescued from a charity shop in Oxford and came with a story that the owner had been Spanish and very told. It has raffia fruits woven on its front which are now sun faded to entirely inappropriate colours …. a bunch of teal grapes, white pears and a pinky-saffron apple. It goes everywhere. My sunglasses but in honesty I wear them year round because my eyes are sensitive to light, my Birkenstocks which come and go in fashion but irrespective of fads I sport them for comfort, no sun cream – I’m allergic so I just slather on the coconut oil and use common sense and a smile. I try to smile ALL the time but the sunshine somehow makes it natural and easy. I love your pictures. Watch facebook for a tribute to your drawing when I manage to manage my time! Xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Fiona! 🙂
      That straw basket sounds exactly like something I would pick up in a store too 😀
      Sunglasses have become something of a must too since this year, I have accidentally and far too often sunburned my eyes in the past two years and they have become extremely light sensitive too. It can well be that I will have to wear them in winter too now, especially when it´s going to snow.
      Birkenstock´s are just awesome, but I´m German so what else could I have said? 😉
      I´ve recently read that almond oil is also supposed to have some SPF and it´s also very good to eat almonds as they strengthen our skin generally, so maybe that can help you too?
      And a smile is the best accessoire a woman can wear! Puts every jewel in its place 😀
      And now you´ve made me perfectly giddy with your hint about posting something on Facebook! 😀 Much love to you! Have a stunningly beautiful weekend! xxxxxxxxxx

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      1. Oooh Almonds … no I didn’t though I do know them to have super-powers! I use coconut oil on my skin and slather it when I’m going out in the sun – it works pretty well but I will give l’huile d’amande a try too – I am always open to suggestion. As to the sunnies … I have to wear them year round. I don’t know whether I damaged my eyes (we did ski in the Alps every year when really the goggles were awfully primitive) or whether it is inherent but I can’t deal with any glare at all. I rather enjoy the incognito of it all ;). Enjoy a wonderful weekend … may it be presque parfait or even actually perfect! Xxxxxxxxxxxx

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      2. Hi Fiona!
        Sorry for the late reply… life has a habit to often come in the way of blogging 😉
        I hope the almond oil will be useful, I often use it for irritated skin, or in winter when the heating dries it out, but also coconut oil.
        And I share your feeling of walking around incognito with those sunglasses – add a big hat and I always feel like a hiding movie star 😉 It´s fun to see people trying to figure out whether you are somebody they should know or not 😉
        Summer has made a little come back around here, so I will go out and enjoy as much of it as I can while it lasts!
        Wish you beautiful and happy day! xxxxxxxxxxx

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      3. I’m horribly behind but I have an email to send you, a letter to send you and a facebook post to make. They will all appear as will the guest blog post I have to have with the host site by tomorrow and maybe even something on my own site. I will explain in my personal notes to you what the ‘Bouchon’ as we call it here is! Xxxxxxxxx Profiter du soliel ma belle amie 🌞 X

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      4. Please, do not worry about all that! Take your time – there´s no need to rush! I would feel awful if I were the cause for any kind of stress!! Though of course, I can´t deny to be already excited about all the lovely things promising to come my way 😀
        Yesterday was such a pleasant day – not so much today with lots of rain – but I won’t complain since this makes it much easier to sit at the laptop 😀
        Have a beautiful and creative day, Fiona! Much love! xxxxxxxxx

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  11. Your comment about not taking the camera to the grocery store reminds me of a story. A few years ago, I randomly took a picture of my mom at the grocery store. She commented that, despite having spent a huge part of her life at the grocery store, she had never had her picture taken at a grocery store. I still think about that – there aren’t many places in my life where I have spent so much time at the grocery store and have so few pictures to show for it.

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    1. Now that you said it, I realize it too! How strange that I make an exception of the place I visit so often. Maybe it´s because I simply want to get it done and be out again as fast as I can… also I´m not sure if my supermarket would like it if I were to take pictures there. But this gives me another idea: I could simply make some sketches there! They can´t say anything against that, can they? Thank you, Sarah, for providing me with this idea!! 😀

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  12. Love your sketches, especially the sunglasses. They are a must for me because I have some eye issues. I have a variety of straw hats from fedoras to wide brim and a very sensible one that makes me look like an elderly tea-planter (great for avoiding sunburn on the neck). I have just gone to the supermarket which is devoid of water and tuna with Hurrican Harvey breathing down our necks. I bought cat food and chocolate as my hurricane box was packed like a good girl scout!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Kerry!
      For me sunglasses are a must too as I have accidentally and too often sunburned my eyes in the last two years – not only in summer but also in winter when there´s snow. 😦
      That´s also why I always wear hats and caps now too – your very sensible one that makes you like a tea-planter sounds perfect to me! I have a straw hat with an exorbitant brim that very much reminds me of the one Audrey Hepburn wore 😉 But you need to wear an outfit that fits it, like a black dress too, which does not happen often in my case, so I mostly stick with a less showy head wear 😉
      Hope the Hurricane will not cause too much damage!!

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  13. Love your sketches, Sarah. You are really good at that! I don’t draw but my summer and winter companions rarely change. I always wear a cap with a bill to block intense sun. Winter’s caps are a bit heavier and warmer. My cane accompanies me always. along with my cell phone camera. I dropped my cannon and need to send it to tech support for a look see but the cell does well enough for me. We are seeing no sign of autumn here in the PNW. Hot, hot, hot. 😦 Not a drop of rain anywhere. I am so ready for cool autumn weather.

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    1. Thanks so much, Marlene! 😀
      I also wear caps a lot, especially when it´s to windy for my straw hat!
      I hope your son can fix your Canon! But the cell phone camera is a good substitute until then I´m sure. I sometimes even prefer it if I want to make close-ups from flowers or insects.
      Hope you will get some cooler weather soon, I´m a summer person but if it´s too hot all the time I can get ill-tempered, it just slows the brain down too much…
      Have a lovely weekend!

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  14. We got our very first really cool morning this morning. I walked Cody, our black lab, and oh, it was soooo nice. I love autumn, but not so much winter. Your sketch book is great. Absolutely. I too have always thought how ideal that would be…I’d feel like Leonardo da Vinci. :-). Oh well. Things that keep me company during summer? Cody, my books, always my books and my writing. Oh, and my woodworking shop even though l’m not in there so much during the summer…when I am it’s great.

    cool post!

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    1. Thank you very much, Paul!
      Yes, autumn has some nice sides, the air always smells fresher and the crunching leaves under your boots are also lovely. Winter not so much for me either 😉
      As to drawing – just try it! You will see that it´s much easier than you might think. The key is to get good supplies and not to let your brain trick your eyes, just draw what you see and not what you think you see!
      Books are excellent companions in any season!!!
      Have a great weekend!


  15. I so love the idea of having a sketch journal, Sarah. Your journal is so neat, the drawings are fantastic, and you have little volumes of history that you can always go back through…how wonderful! I love sunglasses too. I have a couple that are prescription (so I can see to drive, lol!) and then I have some cheap fashion ones that I got off Ebay just to look cool in and take photos. Alas, I am a summer person. I treasure each day even if I am working myself to death like this summer, ha ha! Sadly, it does seem like every year it goes faster, we have had a mild summer and when I go out really early in the mornings, I can tell that fall will arrive early. I wouldn’t mind that, except I completely hate winter with it’s dreary scenery and cold days, especially a horrible cold wind that frequently blows here!

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    1. Thank you so much, Lana! 😀
      I find keeping a sketchbook journal much easier than writing one! And much more entertaining as well 🙂
      Lol! Your obsession with sunglasses seems to equal mine 😀 I too have prescribed ones which I love, but I never can resist a new pair that twinkles at me 😉 I can use those when reading so that´s my excuse 😉
      I´m also a summer person, winter seems to suck out my very soul with its cold… Spring and autumn aren´t bad either but we rarely have them anymore! It just jumps between summer and winter around here 😉
      Wish you a lovely summer weekend! Much love! xoxo

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      1. Sarah, you adequately described the winter feeling for me also, although, I must say that in Texas, we get “cold fronts” that come through, drop the temperature down for a few days, then usually we have warm periods, but of course, all the flowers are still dead. We also tend to have only two seasons: summer and winter. Ugh. Sunglasses rule, and on Ebay you can certainly indulge that fashion obsession, wink wink 😀

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  16. Your kind of sketches are the types I wish I could do and just insert into my daily journal.. Aw, heck ,just always wanted to sketch – period! but we all have our individual artistic strengths, and i do enjoy seeing yours on your blog!

    BTW: I love your sunglasses – each for different outfits! I just put away my pair of special solar eclipse sunglasses…what an experience!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! I´m sure if you give it a try it will work out much better than you might think! The trick is to get yourself good paper and even better pencils and such – that´s half the work! 😉
      The solar eclipse must have been amazing to watch!
      Have a wonderful weekend!

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  17. Hopefully this means our southern hemisphere should be warming up soon, we’re having the coldest of winters, as I sip on another glass of sherry to warm me up… loved your old straw hat, ..

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    1. Haha! Yes, I´m sure it will. 🙂
      And thank you for loving my straw hat and for taking the time to visit and comment, Ivor, it´s very much appreciated! 😀
      Sherry sounds good for warming up, but I prefer whisky 😉 That and mountains of cookies and cakes 😀
      Have a lovely weekend!


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