Train Stations of Berlin: Hermannplatz


Here comes the second installment of my new blog series – train stations of Berlin! (Click here for the first one.)

Hermannplatz is one of the busiest train stations in Berlin. It serves as an interchange between two service lines (U7 and U8) and was opened in 1926. The station´s architects were Alfred Grenander and Alfred Gehse.


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Entrance hall of Hermannplatz directly under street level leading to the platform of the U7 (Nov. 2017)


The station is directly situated under a square also called Hermannplatz which houses a food market 2 or 3 days a week in the very densely populated district of Neukölln.

It was the first station in the Berlin network that was fitted with escalators, which connected the two platforms.


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View from the entrance hall to the platform of the U7 (Nov. 2017)


Due to its enormous size it´s one of the most impressive stations in Berlin. The ceiling is 7,25 m (23,8 ft ; 7,9 yard) high and the platform is 135 m long (443 ft; 147,6 yard).

Although the station has been modernized in 1993, parts of the original construction and decor have been preserved, especially the tiles of the art-deco pillars holding the ceiling.


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Hermannplatz U7 platform (Nov. 2017)


This station holds a sweet memory for me: Since my school was in a different district from where I lived, I had to take the train every morning to get there. It was quite a long ride too, over 30 minutes and I used to make some of my homework on board (especially maths which I hated).

Luckily quite a lot of kids in my class had to do the same and I was always in good company, scribbling down numbers or hastily translating and comparing some sentences from Latin into German.

One day, I must have been about 15 years old, I spotted a guy whom I instantly had a huge crush on, standing on the platform of the U7 and then joining  me on the train. Since I was late that day, none of my classmates were with me and I had him all to myself so to speak. Which only means that I stared at him with eyes wide open, unblinking, drinking him in. That day, I didn´t do my homework on the train. 😉


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Pillar with original tiles from 1926 (Nov. 2017)


Unfortunately he left the train a couple of stations earlier, obviously he went to a different school which was just my luck. I was both flying high and drowning in sorrow that day, certain that I would never see him again.

But I did!! 🙂 Clever as I was, I decided to take the later train again next day (side note: I still made it in time to school – but only just 😉 ) and see if he would be there again, which he was!

This went one for about a year.

He was very tall, blond with blue eyes, high cheekbones and a straight nose and all in all reminded me of a viking – a viking who was admittedly wearing a baseball cap and lowsitting trousers which were very en vogue back then. And because I couldn’t just name him “the guy” when I was talking about him with my friends, I decided to name him “Hermann” which really is a very German name and not at all fashionable anymore but totally made sense to me since “Hermannplatz” is where he joined my train.


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Train about to leave the station (Nov. 2017)


Unfortunately he seemed to have changed schools after a year – or simply couldn’t stand being admired anymore – which admittedly is all that I did since I never found the courage to talk to him, him being a couple of years older and all.

I never saw him again, but every time I am at Hermannplatz I have to smile. 🙂



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

79 thoughts on “Train Stations of Berlin: Hermannplatz

    1. Thanks so much, Diana! Yes, teenagers are so similar in this regard, no matter if they live in New York or Mumbai! LOL! I think that´s actually a wonderful thing and also reassuring. Shows how alike we all are as humans, no matter out cultural background and upbringing.

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  1. What stunning photos of an amazing train station! I love the Art Deco design.

    Oh, what a cute story about Hermann! He may be wondering where the lovely girl from the train is now and wished he hadn’t been so shy to approach her. 💝🚇

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Sarah, sorry to have not checked this post earlier. Your photos are so professional and such a great train station you have there! I hope your mum is back home and making good recovery… thoughts and prayers for both of you. ⚘ Take good care and much love too! Hugs ♥️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much, Iris! And I’m so sorry for not having replied earlier to your lovely message and good wishes! Life’s currently tumbling over me and I fear I have a lot of catching up to do, and not only blogwise 😉 Hope you are well and enjoying a beautiful summer! Take good care of you too! Much, much love and many hugs, my friend! 😊😚💕🐨🌺🌹

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  3. Oh I love your story, Sarah! It is so romantic, and I hope a miracle happen and the blonde Hermann reads your blog 🙂 You know well that when the boys grow up they change their mind about the girls who are younger than them, and pay more attention 😉 Great photographs, as usual. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Haha! That would indeed be incredibly awesome if he happened to stumble upon my blog! 😁 And you’re so right about boys changing their preference as they get older – LOL! 😂
      Thanks so much for your lovely comment, dear Inese! Xxxxxxxxx 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely story that complements so well your beautiful photos. Happy to discover your blog (thanks to The Arty Plantsman) and can’t wait to see and read more of your work. -Dominique

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I have seen a lot more of your blog since my comment above and I must say I am very impress by your aesthetic of all things, not only your photographies but your artworks and your writing. Beautiful! I must admit, I have a thing for vampires (don’t judge please), but never read anything like your vampire rabbit. Can’t wait to read more about your version of Count Dracula. Great read.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you very much, Dominique! That means a lot to me 😄
        As you can tell already, I’ve also got a soft spot for vampires 😉 The rabbit element in my story is my attempt to bring something new to it and I’m so glad that you like it! 😄

        Liked by 1 person

  5. What a wonderful touch of romance added to these amazing photos, Sarah! And you have such great memories, too. It’s funny, I’ve never been on a train. 🙂 It’s on my bucket list though, and there is the Skunk Train up here that goes into Old Town Sacramento that my husband and I plan to hop on sometime soon. It would be a short, fun beginning to my train adventures (2 hours). Shifting subjects, how is your mom doing? I’ve been thinking of you and hoping she’s doing okay…sending love and hugs 💓💓

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren!
      And you definitely should go on that train ride with your husband – there´s something utterly romantic about it 😉 I always dream of someday hop on the Transsiberian Train – I´m sure that would be something quite remarkable!
      Thanks so much for your love and hugs – I really need them at the moment! My mum is still in hospital but they plan to release her this week. Sending you love and hugs right back, my friend! 😀 xoxoxo ❤

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  6. What a romantic story about Hermann and Hermannplatz! It is so wonderful that you have such strong memories tied to this place.

    How on earth did you manage to get those first couple of captures without anyone in them? Were you there super early???

    P/S I love this new Train Station series!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! And although I was there quite early, I simply was lucky with those shots – I´ve made many others with people in it, too! 😀 I know from semi-professional photographers that they prefer to make most of their city shots at 5 am – that would be far too early for me! 😀 LOL!

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    1. Thanks a lot! I kind of wish I had a photo too, but back in those days there weren’t any smartphones 😉 From what I can recall he would have made for a great “Thor” – although Chris Hemsworth isn´t bad either 😉

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  7. I just watched a creepy movie set in Berlin, Berlin Syndrome. It was so powerful that all I can think about is the apartment on the east side of Berlin. Love your shots, though, and don’t watch the film if you are easily frightened.

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  8. Sarah, I can’t stop smiling at your lovely post and sweet story. I travelled to Berlin quite a lot in my year in Germany but don’t think I visited this station, alas. It looks amazing and so atmospheric from your photos…Leipzig was my favourite station and I always felt like I’d stepped into a movie set and would stand mesmerised in front of the departure board, daydreaming of the all possible places to visit with just one step onto a train.

    Ahh…how my heart filled with happiness reading about your Herman .. wonderful memories for you to cosy up to. Also spookily close to the book I’m currently reading based in the author’s true story where she meets her ‘true love’ on the train whilst commuting to work. For a year she looks at him, whilst he barely notices her…I have a bit to Read yet but from the blurb I know they did meet and get married!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, Annika! 😀 What a lovely coincidence that the book you´re currently reading is about something similar to my story! 😀 It must be true: love and trains go hand in hand… 🙂 I actually wrote a short story about my crush back in the day, very teensy, very girly. I know I´ve still got it somewhere… maybe it´s time to unearth it again 😉 I´m sure I would write it differently now! And probably add a happy ending 😉 That´s the beauty of writing fiction, isn´t it? We can change things the way we like 🙂

      I´m sorry it took me so long to reply – my mum had an accident last Wednesday (she fell from a ladder and broke her shoulder and arm) and ever since I´m quite beside myself. She´s still in hospital but I hope she will be released soon, so I can take care of her. I´m now warning everyone I know to please not step alone on a ladder, or at least have a phone nearby. Please take care!
      Wishing you a beautiful new week and hope the editing goes well! 🙂 xxx

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      1. Sarah, I’m so sorry to read about your Mum. Poor her and you too…sending virtual hugs to you both. ❤️How is she now? Is she out of hospitable yet? Do you live nearby so it’s easy for you to help? How frightening and painful … those are serious injuries. Please take care of yourself whilst you take care of her. You are right about the danger of ladders. I worry as only the other day my mother had climbed up one to fix a light..I’d said I’d do it next time I’m over but no, her independent spirit would not wait. Luckily all okay and yes, she at least has a phone with her! wrote a story about it as young! How wonderful…you’ll have to find it and see how it feels to you now; I think a lot better than you imagine! Oh yes, do add a happy ending on your new version if you ever write it…the wonders of fiction!!

        The editing is all complete and the manuscript finished and now with my publisher…I’m posting about it all tomorrow.

        Many thanks for your lovely comment and well wishes…hope it’s a better week for you and your Mum. Thinking of you, hugs xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for your beautiful, warm and kind words, dear Annika. My mum is finally back home and I’m staying with her for the time being, it’s much easier that way. And I am so, so glad your mum got safely back on the ground! It’s been a similar reason here: my mum wanted to get a pair of winter boots and wouldn’t want to wait for me. It’s a the same sense of wanting to be as independent as she can that drove her up that ladder I think. Although very severe it could have been much worse.

        Oh, the editing is complete! I am so very happy for you and will head over to your blog to read all about it!

        Wish a very lovely weekend, my dear friend! Many hugs back! xxx 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  9. What a sweet story! You sound a lot like me at that age. I also had huge crushes on guys who were usually older than me and who had no idea I existed. And I never had the courage to do anything but admire, either. Which may have been a good thing, who knows?

    Liked by 2 people

  10. That is the sweetest story told with the gauche innocence of the young girl you were. Captivating. And the station …. oh my! I am in love all over again! Xxxxxxx

    Liked by 3 people

  11. I love how you’ve woven such a sweet, personal story in so seamlessly with these stunning, but stark and angular black and white images. It’s a lovely, clever juxtaposition. Hugs and smiles from a very cold wet Auckland 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks so much, Su!
      So sorry for not having replied earlier – my mum had an accident on Wednesday, she fell off a ladder and broke her shoulder and arm. Today she underwent surgery but is still in a lot of pain. I´m not sure how much I will be around the next days or weeks –
      Hope the weather in NZ will improve soon! Here it´s also cold and rainy.
      Wish you a lovely weekend! Much love! xxxxxxx

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! Those innocent days are long gone but I like to think about them from time to time. It’s interesting how our perception of love changes over the years just like everything else. 😄 Many hugs to you! xxx

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