Isidor´s Eagle


Isidor´s Eagle
Isidor´s Eagle (water color on paper; March 2018)


Having lately noticed that eagles are the national birds of many countries (including my own with its Golden Eagle), I thought it was time to give it a try and paint one.

In this post however, I want to draw attention to a maybe less known species of eagles, the Isidor´s Eagle, also called Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, which is a fairly large bird of prey – 63 to 74 cm (25 to 29 in) long  with a wingspan of 147 to 166 cm (58 to 65 in) – that lives in South America.

They are known to prey on woolly monkeys, possibly other monkeys including capuchins, but also porcupines and squirrels.

Widespread cutting of primary forest in foothills throughout the Andes is the primary cause of the precipitous decline of this species. There may be only 370-1500 individuals left in the wild, fewer than previously thought.

It is one of the most endangered birds of prey in the Americas.

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

65 thoughts on “Isidor´s Eagle

  1. Beautiful, and so sad that their habitat is being destroyed. I hope efforts are being made to protect them. We have bald eagles where I live and no matter how many I see, it’s always a treat. 🙂 Happy Creating, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Diana! Sadly I doubt that much effort is being made to protect these birds as thriving trade and commerce always seem to come first… 😦
      How much I would love to see those bald eagles! They always look so majestic and their flight seems effortless. Happy writing my friend and enjoy the wildlife right outside your door! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Today my grandson and I were collecting guardian snails from the dirt road to place around the gnome tree in preparation for the return of the gnome king. 😀 A wonderful day outside despite the drizzle.

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  2. This is so beautiful Sarah. I really like the way you are including the story of the birds with your paintings. It’s hard to imagine a bird of prey being endangered, but we humans seem to be able to destroy anything that stands in the way of our greed. xxxx

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    1. Thank you very much, Su! 😊💕
      It’s all a question of habitat and food sources – as soon as we begin to take them away even the fiercest and most powerful animals have to give in. Just think of the wolves in Western Europe – there are hardly any left. 😦

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  3. Sweet drawing of the eagle. Yes, we are taking away their habitat. There was a pair living somewhere in the trees around my home a couple of years ago but have not seen them lately. You taught me something new about them today. I did not know they ate monkeys and squirrels. Very interesting.

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  4. Such a beautiful, powerful bird that you’ve captured in paint, Sarah. I love the detail in the wings. Eagles have always fascinated me, I think their nests are so amazing being extremely high in the air, on the sides of cliffs, etc. I’m a little sad this one eats monkeys, but you know, it is the natural order. Thanks for sharing this wonderful bird with us! xo

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    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! Bald eagles are really impressive and beautiful – I’m so not surprised it has become your national bird. And what great news that it’s no longer endangered – let’s keep our fingers crossed this will also happen for the Isidor’s eagle!

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      1. Oh, yes the bald eagle and the golden eagle both are permanent residents in our area. They love to hunt fish together with the ubiquitous osprey in our lake. Best wishes! Peter

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