Three Years of Blogging and a New Photo Challenge


It´s every year the same – I open my notifications folder and am completely surprised to see that WordPress is congratulating me on another year of blogging. 🙂

This time it´s my 3rd anniversary and I have to admit that I never thought this would happen when I started my blog “Art Expedition” in 2015.

I want to thank all my friends and “followers” (still feels totally weird to use this word but there you go) for their wonderful friendship and support.

THANK YOU!!! 🙂 🙏 💕


And what better way to celebrate my anniversary than by creating a whole new challenge for all of us?

I had lots of fun doing the “7 Days B&W Photo Challenge” last time, but there was something that kind of bothered me, and that was, that the rules explicitly excluded photographing people.

As it happens I actually don´t have a problem with not photographing people, quite the contrary, I´m very happy to concentrate on architecture, cityscapes, flowers and animals.

But that´s just the thing: if I want to improve my photographing skills I have to learn to get out of my comfort zone sometimes and direct my lense on something much more challenging, don´t you agree?

And what could be more challenging than Street Photography?!

So this is my challenge: take up your cameras and go out to make some photos of people!

And just to be clear – you mustn´t know any of these people! So no staging with your better-half or some grandkids that happen to be completely incidentally and utterly conveniently around. 😉

Everyone´s invited to join me and I hope you´ll have lots of fun with this challenge!


And here are the rules of the “7 Days B/W Photo Challenge – Street Photography”:

  • Thank the person who´s nominated/tagged you and provide a link to their blog.
  •  Go out and take pictures of complete strangers for 7 days in a row and post one of them each day of the challenge (you can also post 7 photos in one post if you´re more comfortable with this).
  • The photos should be in b/w.
  • Nominate as many people as you like


And here comes my first contribution to this new challenge of mine:


(Berlin Schöneberg, 2018)



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

88 thoughts on “Three Years of Blogging and a New Photo Challenge

    1. Thanks so much, Lana!! 😄 It’s been an exciting journey so far and making friends like was and is the best, best part of it! Xxxxx💕


  1. Congratulations on your Blogoversary, Sarah! I love the series of B & W photographs here. Great way to celebrate your 3 years of hard work and success. Way to go! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Inese! It’s been a fun challenge and I’m not sure if it might not develope into another hobby this street photography. 😉
      Have a lovely Sunday evening and a wonderful week ahead, my friend! 😄 xxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats Sarah on your 3 years blog anniversary. I’m so glad to be one of your many WP friends. It is a pleasure to read and to get to know you a little bit more through each post. You are definitely a person who deserves to know better. And your B&W challenge is awesome! By the way, I became interested in journalism after discovering the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the pioneers of photojournalism. It is a little bit crazy at work for me at the moment and I don’t have much time blogging but I will get back to you with the challenge in September.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much, Dominique! I´d never have thought it possible to have this blog for so long now! And I´m beyong grateful for the wonderful friendships I have found here, yours being one of the very best. 🙂
      Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of my photographic heroes!! And I´m not suprised at all that he kindled your passion for journalism.
      Take you time with this challenge – you can do it whenever it feels right. I already look forward to see your pics!
      Hope work will get a bit less crazy soon and wishing you a beautiful and relaxing Sunday, dear friend! xoxo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The work is indeed quite intense these days. There is also a wonderful surprise waiting for me soon. You probably know it already: Darren will visit me in Montreal in September and two other WP friends will join us! So I have a lot of preparation to do in order to be available and have a good time with them. I can’t wait to see them! I hope that one day I will do that with you as well. xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s such wonderful news, Dominique! I’m sure you all will have a splendid time! How I wish I could join you! But there will be a time for us as well, I’m sure of it! xoxo 💗💗💗

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  3. hi sarah, wonderful and interesting pictures about the theme, here is my contribution, wonderful and interesting pictures about the theme, here is my contribution.
    greetings robert

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Marlene! Thankfully these surprises belong to the pleasant kind. 😄
      Hope you’re well, I have been thinking of you because of the heat. It’s quite unbearable around here.

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      1. We had a 2 day break from the heat and starting tomorrow, it’s on again. Fortunately, we get a bit of relief in the early morning hours so that’s when I get things done. Many places in this country get no relief at night. I remember the last few times I visited Germany, it seemed hotter than I remembered. Everything is changing.

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  4. Happy anniversary. I’m so glad you started (and continued) your blog. I love seeing the wonderful, creative things you do, and really value our friendship. This is a great idea for a challenge; I’m not comfortable photographing people either, but this is the perfect “excuse” to get me out and snapping 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Su! If it weren’t for blogging I would never have met you and now I simply can’t imagine not knowing you and calling you my friend – it’s truly one of the best things that has happened to me in these last three years. 😍
      And I’m sooo glad you will join the challenge and I can’t wait what you’ll come up with!! I’ve been reading a bit about street photography lately and now know that it is perfectly normal not to feel comfortable with it. But the more you do it the easier it’s supposed to be – well, we’ll both see if that’s true.😉 xxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel the same way about our friendship 😀😀 And interestingly, I just had a book from the library about street photography. I probably should have borrowed it when the weather was better, because I hardly got out with my camera at all. But now I have the perfect reason to! xxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. What an awesome coincedence!! Hope you´re soon going to feel better to continue the challenge, Su, sending you lots of healing energy and hugs! xxxxxxx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks so much 🙂 Your comment about the chap reading has reminded me of an old photo that I took of some almost identically dressed women at an airport, all focused on their phones. Must see if I can find it 🙂 xxxxx

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    1. Thank you very much, Jacqui! And I can only hope that I’m over the hump now! 😁
      I also love converting pics to b/w, makes them always so classy looking.😊


    1. It definitely was a lot of fun, Tracy, much more than I could have ever hoped for. And meeting friends like you is the best part of it. 😄


  5. Sarah – the bottom part of the person is so artsy – and I am not just saying this – it was such a cool shot and I zoomed in (those are some trim calves – ) also in b/w it was interesting –
    Oh and happy anniversary 🎈🎈🎈

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Yvette! These calves are spectacularly good looking, aren’t they? She must either do a lot of workout or simply run around in these shoes all day long. 😄
      Have a fantastic weekend! 🌺🌈

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      1. Yeah – I think they were curious to me – like not too athletic (cos those are usually rock hard) and yet so fit – maybe just slender naturally – and sad to say this -‘but our country continued to get larger and it even shows up in the calves – so maybe I was like – oh is that what a normal calf should
        Look like? Hahah
        Side note – thinking of your challenge on my drive home I grabbed a few photos – people shots – and one dude was resting in a driveway and gave me the peace sign! I’ll be back to share later

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL! But I have to add that you don’t get to see many calves like these either around here, or I don’t. 😉
        How awesome that you were inspired to make some people shots too and even more awesome that the guy gave you the peace sign! Look forward to see it! 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      3. well I have another post almost ready and will do the peace sign guy late r- if that is cool –
        and can we post more than one image in a post – the seven days in a row will not work for me – but I can share street shots – (I am sure you are flexible but sometimes challenges are designed for a certain flow)?

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats, Sarah, and I’m so glad we’ve connected, too! Love this photo, but I’m with Jill, the first thing I noticed was her heal and those holes. 🙂 I’m going to pass on the challenge, but I look forward to seeing more of your awesome photos! Hugs 💕🌷😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Lauren! It’s friends like you who turn this blogging into something marvellous. 😍
      It was a lucky thing I made this shot while she was so close to those holes.😁
      Have a fabulous weekend! Hugs! 😄💕🌺

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  7. Many congratulations Sarah! Thank you for sharing your work with us and here’s wishing this beautiful blog many, many more!!I love this picture, something so alluring about street photography, eager to see more from you:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Divya! 😄 Blogging has been a wonderful journey so far and meeting so inspiring friends like you is truly the best part of it!
      Wishing you a very happy day and a fabulous weekend, my friend! Hugs! 😄💕

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    1. Thanks so much, Shari! So far it’s been a little bit intimidating to point the camera at people on the street but at the same time it’s exhilarating and fun. 😄

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    1. Thank you so much, Jill, and I’m so happy we both met here on WP too!! 😄
      And you are spot on with those heels – I was kind of hoping/dreading she would get stuck.😉❤

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