7 Days B/W Photo Challenge – Street Photography: Day 2


In honour of my 3rd blog anniversary this week, I´ve created a new Photo Challenge and hope that you will all join me!


And here are the rules of the “7 Days B/W Photo Challenge – Street Photography”:

  • Thank the person who´s nominated/tagged you and provide a link to their blog.
  •  Go out and take pictures of complete strangers for 7 days in a row and post one of them each day of the challenge (you can also post 7 photos in one post if you´re more comfortable with this).
  • The photos should be in b/w.
  • Nominate as many people as you like


This photo is my 2nd entry:


little boy
(Berlin Schöneberg, 2018)





Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

33 thoughts on “7 Days B/W Photo Challenge – Street Photography: Day 2

  1. Great shot Sarah. I like that the three of them are looking in different directions. I also like that the lady clothes are completely the opposite of what the person standing next to her is wearing. Her shoes are white, his dark. Her pants are dark; his are white. Her top is plain and his has stripes… And the expression on the child face speaks for itself. Good job.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a lot, Dominique! I´ve a feeling this street photography thing is well on its way to become a serious hobby of mine. 😉 What makes it even more wonderful is that friends like you share their opinion about it with me so I know in which direction I should head. 🙂 xoxo

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      1. I love art so much I could talk about this subject all day with you Sarah. Like I previously told you, I have a thing for street style photography too. While I was at university I took photography class and taking street style photos was a hobby of mine. Being in a place at the right time to capture a particular moment in someone’s life gave me great satisfaction. At the time, we were doing our own photo development in the darkroom. I have not done that in 20 years. Your challenge is awesome. xoxo

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      2. I have a feeling we have a lot to talk about when we finally meet.😉 And how wonderful that you learned how to develope photographs from film! I always wanted to but since I only own digital cameras the opportunity does not really present itself. I’ve been studying early photography (from the 1840s and onwards) as part of my history of art studies and am endlessly fascinated by the circumstance that although fashion etc changes, motives seldom do. We are after all creatures of habit.😉
        I hope when you find time for the challenge it will bring joyous memories back to you and also be as much fun as it was for me. 😄 xoxo

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      3. That’s one of the things about fashion that I love, which is the sociological aspect. I believe that street style photography is just like vintage clothing. They are truly a form of social anthropology because both captures a moment in time, and it tells you so much about what was going on in society at the moment the garment was created or the pic taken. I know I will have fun with this challenge. I’m usually not a very patient person but for this kind of task I can be sooo patient that it surprises my hubby. Of course he doesn’t admit that I am patient. Hihi… He says I’m just stubborn! probably a bit of that too, I confess. xoxo

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      4. It’s the same thing for me! Give me a camera and I get really patient and calm – very unlike my normal behaviour.😉 But I guess one could also call it bloody stubborn too! 😂

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  2. This appears to be three generations, grandma looking backward, mom looking straight ahead, toddler looking toward future. The myriad pavement surfaces mirror the many options we face. The emotional quality of B&W is captivating. While I adore color, B&W eliminates the background noise and brings the most essential elements forward. Well done, Sarah.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You make me sound a lot more sophisticated than I actually am, Shari.😉 I just saw the scene and speedily snapped it before it could change but with your lovely description I can see that the pic does indeed offer the wonderful three generation view of life. I would like to think that somehow I perceived this unconsciously and who knows maybe that was the case.
      Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, my friend! ❤

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