In the Mood for Pumpkins


pumpkins stillife
Pumpkins still life (water color on paper; Oct. 2018)


I don´t know about you, but I just love pumpkins!

There are five domesticated species of Cucurbitae (Latin for gourd), all of which can be treated as winter squash because the full-grown fruits can be stored for months.

At the beginning of October I bought a couple of different looking pumpkins to make not only soup (my favorite is Roasted Butternut and Sweet Chestnut Soup like already mentioned in my last post), pies and bread with (by the way if you haven´t already eaten Fried Pumpkin Blossoms, give it a try, they´re incredibly delicious!), but also to paint a water color still life.

It took about 4 sessions to paint this still life, each about 2 hours, and I enjoyed playing around with all the different colors I had to use for this assembled set.

Only two of these pumpkins are still left, and my guess is that they will soon share the fate of their predecessors. 😉

Do you like pumpkins? If so, want to share your favorite recipe here? 😉

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

56 thoughts on “In the Mood for Pumpkins

    1. Don’t worry about missing this post, Su, I bet I have that all the time too! 😀 Also, incidentally, the pumpkins are back in the supermarket now (already had a lovely soup this week), so you finding this painting of mine couldn’t have happened at a more perfect time. 😉
      I’ve never tried pumpkin in a curry but it sounds delicious! And yes please to your next foodie blog post!!

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  1. Love your painting Sarah. I do like pumpkin, I usually have it for lunch with other veggies with rice and I’ve made a pumpkin, bean and spinach curry before. I only learned recently that they are actually a fruit! 🙂 xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Gill! It´s an awesome veg – no, wait fruit! 😀 LOL! Never knew that too! Thanks! 😀 And I like the sound of the pumpkin, bean and spinach curry!!! xxx

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  2. Lovely collection of pumpkins, beautifully captured! It makes me want to cook something pumpkin-y!
    I usually soups and pumpkin muffins once these beauties appear in the store, but have been so caught up with writing and lately, packing for an extended stay in London. So no pumpkin goodies for a while!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Ju-Lyn! Pumpkins are great, aren´t they? And wow! London! That´s pretty much around the corner compared to where you normally are. 😉 I´m sure you’ll have the opportunity to eat all things pumpkin-y once there and wish you a fabulous time!


  3. Your painting is fabulous, Sarah, with all the various shapes and colors. I love pumpkins, too, and ours are still outside from Halloween for decoration. For this season, I make pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and a pumpkin dump cake that’s really good. I love to bake and am pretty good at it, so I’ve heard. 😉 Wish I could share with you! Have a great weekend, my friend! Hugs ❤🧡🍁🥧🍜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren! So lovely to know that we have this baking passion and a love for pumpkins in common! 😄 And they’re really wonderful as decoration too, so warm in colour! Though they never last long around here to be properly admired! 😂
      Have a beautifulweekend my friend! Hugs! ❤❤❤

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    1. Thank you, Chris! There are only two left now and I think their time is up. 😉 And its nice to know your scarecrow has a pumpkin friend to keep it company. 😄
      Have a great weekend! Cheers!

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    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! Pumpkins are very easy to make yummy, just cut into pieces, season with salt and pepper and some olive oil and roast for about 30-45 minutes – et voilà: yummy roasted pumpkin! 😄💕


  4. I love pumpkin too and you made a wonderful drawing of it.I’m no cook but do make a wonderful pumpkin bread at the holidays. A recipe a friend gave me. It’s getting to be that time of year. I’ve tried pies but never successfully. Soups are great and I’ve had butternut squash soup but never pumpkin. Maybe it will be time to expand my repertoire.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Marlene! Pumpkin bread is so yummy, isn’t it? 😉 Usually my pies don’t look like much but at least they taste better than they look! 😄 Have fun trying out new recipes and have a beautiful weekend!

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  5. Sarah, this is a perfect seasonal painting that will never go out of season. You captured so many pumpkin and gourd shapes and colors, and I like the way they play off each other. I like a bunch of gourds and mini pumpkins on the table throughout fall. Sets a warm mood for family, friends, and fun.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Shari! I really like these warm and bright colours now that it has become colder around here. 😊 I like the sound of your table – mini pumpkins are adorable! 😄


  6. A couple of years ago, I found an interesting “heirloom” pumpkin that had bubbly skin—and it was also light blue. It looked like something out of a fairytale.
    I’m a big believer in the healing power of butternut soup, Sarah. I put a little nutmeg, coriander, and cinnamon in mine and roast the seeds to put on top. I will definitely give your recipe a try. Your watercolour is beautiful, full of warm fall colours. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you very much, Oglach! And I can imagine how magical that heirloom pumpkin must have looked like! 😄
      Mmh, I love coriander but never tried it with butternut soup only with chicken soup. Will definitely try this out next time! And what a lovely touch to sprinkle it with the roasted seeds, I like to do this with black sesame seeds or buckwheat. 😊
      Have a wonderful weekend!

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