Acrylic Pouring No. 4


A few months back, I started experimenting with a new painting technique called acrylic pouring (if you´ve missed my first acrylic pouring painting click here).

It’s been a lot of fun, although I do have slight problems with the unpredictability of the whole process. As soon as you let go of the paint it pretty much does what it wants and you can merely stand by and watch. 😉


Acrylic Pouring No. 4 (acrylics and pouring medium on cardboard; January 2019)


Ironically enough, the unpredictability part is also the one that makes the butterflies in my stomach dance up and down and giddy with excitement.

I swear, as long as it takes to prepare the painting – and I´m talking about quite a lot of time to mix each color separately until you’re happy with the result), I even spend more time just watching the thing grow and settle once it’s all been poured on the canvas, or in this case, the card board.


Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 4


There is of course the possibility to try and force the colors to flow in the direction you want it to flow by angling the canvas, but that´s about it. You can’t influence their behavior once they’ve been poured. All that is part of your preparation, by adding to its fluidity through careful use of silicon oil – use too much or too little, swirl too often or not often enough, all that has an effect on how the color will act once it’s on the surface.


Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 4 (bird?)


What I really like best of this technique, is to watch for patterns or forms that seem to emerge all by their own. Just like you do when you’re watching a sky full of clouds.

In this pouring, my fourth, I detected a little yellow bird in the upper left corner of the painting, and a tree or weeping woman in the lower right corner.


Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 4 (wave?)



Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 4 (tree?)


And in case you´re wondering what happened to Acrylic Pouring No. 2 and 3: they ended up on the same canvas, somewhat unhappy with how things went for them.


Acrylic pouring 2+3
Acrylic Pouring No. 2 and 3 (acrylic on canvas; 2018)


I ‘d decided to use some lovely purple, turquoise and yellow for my second pouring experiment (it took ages to mix those!), and it started well enough when all of a sudden the colors decided that they’d much rather mix and form a funny sort of mud brown instead of nicely being on their own once they were on the canvas.

The only piece that resisted this unwelcome assembly, was the upper left corner of the painting.


No. 2
What´s left of Acrylic Pouring No. 2


Very disappointed I decided to try and rescue the painting by pouring another mix on the canvas the next day, this time I opted for black and white in the hope it would somehow make the whole thing look like it were part of outer space and the colorful bit look like it was some kind of nebula.

Well, that also didn’t turn out as hoped for.


No. 3
Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 3. I don´t know about you, but I can see a dragon in this one! Can you see it?


I was then thinking of painting over the whole canvas (black), so I could use it again for something else.

But somehow I just couldn’t bring myself to annihilate the beauty that was still there, even if it meant to have two incomplete paintings instead of one complete one.


What can you see when you look at these pictures?

And are there any things/hobbies you enjoy doing even though their unpredictability kind of scares you?

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

110 thoughts on “Acrylic Pouring No. 4

  1. I love love love love these paintings – ALL of them! they transport me to an Other World, teeming with life and colour and movement!

    Funnily enough, my favourite is the B&W (I know you were sad with the results): but it really is so Arthur C. Clarke!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww – thank you so much, Ju-Lyn! 😄 And I love that the b/w is your favourite! Shows that I was right not to make another pour to cover it up! 😄 Have a wonderful and creative week!


    1. Thank you, Inese! I think it’s exactly that what makes the whole process so fascinating – it’s a bit like watching the universe forming interstellar nebulae and clusters, just on a much smaller scale. 😉 xxx

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  2. This looks so fun and the effects are incredible!! It’s interesting to hear how you do it as well. And in answer to your question a lot of them look like water on rocks to me (and for some reason the last one made me think of seals) 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! It really is so much fun even if somewhat messy at times. 😉
      And how awesome it makes you think of water on rocks, and even seals!! It’s so amazing to me what different things everyone sees in these pictures! 😀 Have a wonderful weekend! ❤


  3. It’s gorgeous! I used to do something similar in my teens with different coloured nail varnish dropped into water. I think the idea was to then lay a sheet of paper on the top – like marbling but more psychedelic really. And my husband’s thing of working with melted wax has similer effects, too. I’d love to try acrylic pouring but am too nervous of the mess…!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Val! I really like the idea of experimenting with nail varnish, though I’m a bit nervous because of the vapors. Will have to wait until it gets warmer so I can do this with windows wide open. 😀
      And don’t be afraid of the mess with acrylic pouring – just take good care with your preparations, like laying out lots of old newspapers for example and wearing latex gloves and old clothes and you should be fine. 🙂 Hope you’ll try this out and share the pics with us! Have a happy and creative weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much, Leah! 😄 It’s such an interesting process to watch and I’m sure you’d also have lots of fun trying it. Also makes for lovely gifts for friends and family. 😊


  4. Very interesting to learn about the creative process Sarah. Lisa’s knows me well, I do like it and would like to try this. Are there any things/hobbies I enjoy doing even though their unpredictability kind of scares me? Uhm… My cooking is quite unpredictable. Lol! I should stick to the recipe but the rebel in me often wants to experiment and the result is not always tasteful, often it is way too spicy. Keep well dear friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe you can try making some acrylic pourings in the summer in your garden, I’d really love to see what you would come up with, especially with your excellent sense for colour combinations!
      I’m also quite a rebel when it comes to cooking or baking, I treat recipes more like suggestions. 😉
      Have a happy weekend, dear friend! Xoxo 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t think I have enough patience for this type of art. I’m afraid I would not be able to resist the urge to put my hands into the mix! Happy Sunday to you, Sarah. Keep well. 💞

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  5. Wow! Just wow. The canvas is beautiful; deep and mysterious and a work that can hold the viewer’s interest again and again. But more importantly, you have persevered with a process that is inherently scary, and frustrating and random. Embracing random is a creative leap and you have made it. Wishing you more happy adventures with this medium my friend. xxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Su!! 😀 I was hoping you’d like these paintings, and I know that even though it really can be a bit scary, you’d love doing this too!
      I’ve been thinking of trying this out on wood panels or old furniture, normally there´s always something of the kind lying around in the streets from people moving in and out, but now that I have this idea in my mind, it seems everybody wants to keep their stuff! LOL! Or maybe I’ll just have to wait until Spring. 🙂
      Have a lovely rest of the week and a beautiful weekend to look forward to! xxxxxxx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I love the idea of panels or furniture. I can just imagine a table-top done this way!! Perhaps people will start doing their spring cleaning soon!!! Here people have been going crazy over the Marie Kondo series on Netflix, and having massive clean-outs. Some of the charity shops have had to put signs out saying they aren’t taking any new stuff because of it 😂😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I knew you’d like the idea what with your beautifully restored work table! 😄 Also you could do this in your garden where it’s okay if things start to get messy. Me I have to cover the whole kitchen with old newspapers! 😂
        I haven’t heard of Marie Kondo yet and feel like I probably live on the moon as it seems she’s quite the hype. Will have a look at this series soon. Yeah, let’s hope lots of people are in spring cleaning mood soon!! 😉
        Have a beautiful weekend, dear friend! Xxxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I have worked in the garden, but the wind always seem to come up when I do 🙁.
        Marie Kondo has written books about decluttering. I have one and think there is a lot I it that works. But she doesn’t “get” filling a house with books — so she and I will never be best mates 😂😂.
        I find the Netflix show a bit unwatchable, but people obviously love it. So hopefully it will be a hit in Germany and provide you with lots of raw materials 😀 xxxxxx

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      4. Just had a look online and obviously she’s already a hit here too and I’m just living on the dark side of the moon! 😂
        I do see the sense in decluttering and do it about once a year or every two years but have also parted from many things which I regret afterwards, especially childhood memorabilia or books. 😦
        I’d never have guessed that you can get rich by teaching people how to get rid of things . I always thought that this is one of those things that explain themselves. 😂 But good for her. ☺
        And damn that wind to interfere with your plans to work in the garden!

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      5. I’ve done the same in my decluttering, especially books. My mother is ruthless with stuff, so I never really had much childhood memorabilia.
        The Big T’s solution is to take things to his parents’ house. 🤣🤣
        It has an enormous (small factory-sized) garage which is slowly filling up with the accumulated stuff from our house and his brother’s. He doesn’t seem to get it that one day we will have to declutter that space. 😱😱
        It is amazing that she can make a living advising people. Even more amazing that she’s not alone. There is a guy called Peter Walsh who’s also quite famous, and heaps of people who do it on a smaller scale. I think we’ve missed an opportunity here 😂😂
        Hope you are having a happy and creative weekend xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I have to say, I do get the Big T’s method of decluttering – in a way. 😉 Wouldn’t it be lovely to have one of those pocket universes where we could store all our stuff? 😂 I think I might read and watch too much science fiction LOL 😄
        Hope you’re having a wonderful and creative week too, Su! Xxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I can see an amazing artist being busy creating wonderful pieces of art.
    Hi dear Sarah, it’s been a while. Occupied these days with helping neighbors in need and other activities. Hope you’re enjoying early Spring too? Or is Berlin colder and rainier as here more to the west. Sending you a big hug again! XxX

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Patty! we all get busy from time to time, don´t we? Sounds great about helping others!
      No early spring around here, it´s still cold. 😦 Can´t wait for the flowers to bloom and the trees to be green again!
      Have a wonderful week! Big hug! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great work! For me, playing with art in its various forms is always a good for me developmentally and emotionally. I don’t think in terms of whether the pieces I create are good or not but how I feel about what I have done. It is good no matter what people want to achieve with it.

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  8. Honestly, I think what you came up with looks very nice! Honestly, I can understand how hard it is to give up control of artistic process, but sometimes really good things come out of that. Good for you for trying something new!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! It really is hard for me to give up control over this artistic process. 😂 But then that’s the beauty of the whole thing. Also good practice for real life, I feel. 😉

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    1. Thank you very much, Shari. And I so agree, it is the perfect way to learn how to let go of rigidity. Now that you said this, I begin to think that even though I do pottery with my kids at school, I should maybe let them do some pourings in order to make them see that they simply can’t control everything and have to let go of the idea to always be perfect.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Awesome, Sarah. Pour number 4 is wonderful. I love the bright colours.

    But I’m confused about Pour 2 & 3. What did you end up with in the end? Is it photo 6? Because if so, the photo looks brilliant. I bet the artwork is even better in real life. I love it Very brooding. I’m a firm believer in stepping away from the artwork when things are not going as expected. But, I don’t often put that into practice. So no criticism there. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Tracy! And yes, photo 6 is what I end up with in the end for pour 2 and 3. Should have made that more clear. 😉
      The colors in this one especially are really so much better in real life than what the camera showed. I´m often so annoyed by how the camera changes the colors so much, though I realize that this is probably more due to my incompetence. 😉 But it´s nice to blame technology instead. 😉
      I´ve heard of many that they don´t like to keep earlier artwork because it shows how little they could achieve back then. I always keep mine and often revisit them to have a look and see, that despite my feelings that I don´t improve sometimes, I actually do. And in a few years, when I have become an excellent pouring artist, I want to look back at this one and just smile. 😉

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  10. I liked the top 3 a lot. I love how they change. Nothing I do craftwise, is predictable to its outcome. Nothing! I’ve just lined up 2 more flannel shirts to make for myself and my daughter. On top of the small and larger quilt. None will come easily or predictably. So why do we keep banging our heads against the wall.? 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Marlene! 😀
      And you´re right of course, nothing craftwise is ever really predictable, we can only hope to get better with constant practice but in the end it´s more or less luck if we end up with the thing we hoped for to create. 😉
      But I´m sure those flannel shirts are going to be lovely, just as those quilts! Sometimes others have the benefit of knowing things about yourself better than we do. 😉
      And keep banging! What would life be without us insisting on running against the walls! 😂

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    1. Thank you, Diana! It´s a fascinating thing to watch for sure! I could do it for hours but they move really slowly so I soon reach a point where my attention looks for other occupations. 😉 But like a moth to the light I keep coming back to it during the day and have a look what took place in the meantime.
      Have a beautiful and creative Sunday! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. The Detail Acrylic Pouring No. 4 has so many emotions and changes, I can see faces and people dancing. love all of them but this one was the one for me. Great post.


  12. Sarah, I absolutely love this!!! I want to do this with children. Is this possible? Can I use card stock instead of canvas? Or, I could find canvas at Michael’s. I know nothing about silicone. Tell me more! In March we prepare for our annual Art Show. This reminds me of Edvard Munch Art, does it not?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jennie! I´m so glad you enjoyed this! And why not? Everything´s possible! And I imagine the kids and you would have lots of fun doing this.
      Card board works really well and is less pricey than canvas. But be prepared that it’s quite a dirty business, I use lots of old newspapers to cover the table and the floor and also wear gloves and an apron.
      I use a simple silicone oil spray like you can use for oiling your bike chains and other stuff. Best have look online for more instructions. I spent quite a lot of time reading through instructions and watching videos on Youtube before I set out to do my first pour.
      Look forward to see what you and your kids come up with for your March Art Show this year!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much, Sarah! I will check to make sure silicone is safe for children to use. And if so, I will definitely control the “pouring” to a minimum. What artist does this style of artwork remind you of? Very exciting!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think silicone oil is safe enough for children to use.
        There are many artists I feel reminded of but with this pouring I felt most reminded of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser who couldn’t stand straight lines and preferred organic forms. 😊 Do you know of him?

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  13. I believe I see Nessie, long snake like neck and flipper… 😁😝

    This is great stuff Sarah! I’m seriously going to have to try this!

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I like #3. I see it as a rock formation, spilling over with lava.
    I really like the affect, and I think unpredictability is an important part of art….and science and scientific discoveries.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Anthony! And I agree, unpredictability is an important part, there would be no scientific discoveries without them and the people who dare to stretch the boundaries of their beliefs.

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    1. Thanks so much, Jill! Isn´t it a little weird how the things we love so much to do, sometimes scare us too? But then this only shows how much they mean to us that we fear to fail. And by doing them anyway, we proof to ourselves what daredevils we all are. 😉 Have a lovely and creative Sunday! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I really enjoyed losing myself in your latest poured paintings, Sarah. When I read the accompanying text, I began to wonder how they would serve as Rorschach test results for me because all I saw was water and book endpapers, except for No. 4, which looked reptilian. I had no idea the pours that ended up muddy brown were failures. They reminded me of some very disturbing paintings of palm trees done by a monk at the Saint Leo Abbey in Florida. I coveted those paintings every time I saw them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Liz, I´m so glad you enjoyed this post.
      I think it´s fascinating that the paintings made you think of Rohrschach tests which are also created by pure chance.
      Maybe I´m being too harsh calling the pours which end up as muddy browns a failure, but to me at least, it kind of felt this way, especially when I was hoping to create something quite different. But that´s the whole beauty of this process, you never know what will happen and what you will end up with, could be a fantastically beautiful painting with organic forms that beg to be classified or just a pool of mud. 😉 Like with so many things in life, it´s the journey and not the destination that counts. 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Chris! It´s a very fascinating way to work with acrylics and just watch how it turns all out without my interference. Nature has a way to find the best forms and patterns all by itself.
      Have a wonderful Sunday! Cheers! 😀


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