Shiny Happy People – 30 Days 30 Songs

Day 28 of my new blog challenge –

Share Your Music! 30 Days 30 Songs!

Please feel free to join me anytime you want – casusal players welcome!

(3 DAYS!! Only 3 days and 3 songs left!!!)

R.E.M. (Image courtesy Wikipedia)

I think it has become clear by now, that I love Alternative Rock (well, Rock in general), and R.E.M. is one of the most successful alternative rock bands ever, having sold over 85 million copies of their albums!!! (Hands up who bought at least one of them as well! 😉 🙋🏻)

Tell me you can sit still when this song plays! I bet you can’t! 😀



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

45 thoughts on “Shiny Happy People – 30 Days 30 Songs

  1. Yay!! I’ve been going back and forth trying to choose an REM song, and now I feel I’ve been given a leave pass.
    I saw REM, supported by the Cranberries, when we lived in England. Awesome concert — thank you for this reminder of a fantastic band.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It was probably the last big concert I went to. Except Counting Crows, but it was so loud I spent the entire gig in the First Aid tent being fed tea and biscuits by the volunteers. To clarify, I was about seven months pregnant at the time and I was worried about the baby, rather than just my ears. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I once stood right in front of one of those enormous loudspeakers at a concert of Die Ärzte – not because I wanted to but because the crowd pressed me there. It was horribly loud!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great song. Enjoy the melon this weekend. The image of you with an extra-large melon and trying to fight the heatwave made me laugh so hard. Hope you’ll win the battle my dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I survived the battle with the heatwave – the melon didn’t. 😉 Lots cooler today which is great! I can feel my brain starting to think again – the only thoughts crossing it in the last days were as followed: “Wow! It’s hot. I mean, really, really hot. I wonder how much hotter it can get? Has it always been THIS hot?” and so on. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s been brutally hot last Wednesday – 40 degrees Celsius in the shade!! Now we’re having two days off, but the Sahara Heatwave is expected to be back by tomorrow – I bought an extra-large melon and plan to eat it all by myself – my survival instincts kicking in, I guess. 😉
        How’s it your side of the Atlantic?

        Liked by 1 person

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