Paper, Ink and Pen


Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.

Inktober has been created by artist Jake Parker in 2009 because he wanted to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits.


I haven’t done ink drawings in a long a time now, somehow I concentrated more on water colors instead. Also I never had enough time to participate in the last years.

This year however it coincided with my Autumn holidays and that’s all I needed to grab some paper, ink and a pen and get started!

I’ve been posting my drawings on Instagram (@art_photography_and_ceramics) these last days, but thought it would be nice to give my friends on WordPress a little look into my work as well.



Here are my first few drawings for Inktober 2019:

I was hesitant what to draw at first and simply made a quick Zentangle drawing of a bird  to loosen up.

A little Zentangle bird (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


This snail came next, it took me hours to finish it!


Snail (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


One of my illustration heroes is Ilon Wikland who did most illustrations for Astrid Lindgren’s books of which “Ronja Robber’s Daughter” is my favorite. So I made this drawing of a cute “Rumpelwicht” (German) or “Rumphob” (English) who belongs to my favorite characters in this book.


“Rumpelwicht” (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


And because it’s Autumn and you can’t help seeing mushrooms and toadstools all over the place, I made a drawing of one.


Red-and-White spotted toadstool (ink and water color on paper; Oct. 2019)


Thanks to Tracy from over at Reflections of an Untidy Mind who made a comment in my last post about it and thus encouraged me to do it, I finally gave it a try and drew one of my beloved bumblebees. 😀


Bumblebee (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


And one of my favorite cartoon characters simply had to make an appearance too…


Snoopy having a nap (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


I’m not doing them very often but I actually quite enjoy making architectural drawings a lot.


High-rise (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


And because Halloween will be upon us in a matter of weeks, I put my skeletons out of the cupboard to give them an airing. 😉


Skeleton hand (ink on paper; 2019)


Having watched too many episodes of Game of Thrones this weekend (3 to be exact; And finally they’re broadcasting season 8 on free tv!! yay!!), I couldn’t help making some fan art. 😀


Game of Thrones fan art (ink on paper; Oct. 2019)


And this is it for now!

I won’t promise to be able to draw each and every day, but I’m planning on doing it as often as I can.

If you can’t wait for more, please feel free to follow me on Instagram. 🙂

Otherwise there’s going to be a wrap-up post of my Inktober at the end of the month.



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

105 thoughts on “Paper, Ink and Pen

      1. She shares some on instagram. Studying hard her last year to be a dentist, so she uses only tiny post-it to be able to rationally participate. You can try “mimersbody”

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I don’t know how many of your posts I’ve missed, Sarah. Too many have ended up in my spam folder. Your drawings are incredible. One more delightful than the next. I really love Rumpelwicht but each one is so perfect even the zentangle to warm up. Wow! You really are good at that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Marlene! And please don’t worry about missing some of my posts – I rarely post these days, about twice a month is all I can manage at the moment. And if I have time I find it much more interesting to read my fellow bloggers posts than writing mine – ha! 😀 Looking forward to hop over to your blog soon and hope all is well! All set and ready for Halloween I hope? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve got to get my Halloween blog ready tomorrow. I may have to start tonight. I’m like you. Rather read others blogs than write my own. We might have kids at the door this week since the weather is dry on Halloween. Hope you are doing well also.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You are so talented Sarah. You already know how much I love your water color paintings, pottery artworks and photography, and now your ink drawings too. They are all superb, but I do have a crush on the Rumphob, toadstool and the snail. Great job!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow! So wonderful, amazing … I can not find all the words, i want to use. Love it, so much. Great art! Thank you for showing, Sarah! I have to apologize for the long delay, even on Insta. Have a wonderful start into the new week, and some time to rest. Michael

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for your lovely words, Michael! And no need to apologise – as you can see I’m not very good at replying instantly. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello dear Sarah! I have not connected here in a while, so I was so thrilled to see that your latest post is sketching! Your work looks fabulous. I also just sent you an email…I will be visiting Germany in November, and I would love to connect if possible.
    Sending love,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Jennie! And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am to still not have caught up with you – ever since that social media break of mine I’m struggling a bit and am way behind with catching up.

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    1. Thank you very much, Darren! 😍 Hehe! I’m just as puzzled as you. 😉 I thought at first that it would be an impossible thing to do but so far I managed it. It also helps that I’m not putting myself under pressure, meaning that if I don’t find the time to draw that’s okay for me too. And it really is good practice!! 😄

      Liked by 2 people

  5. You’re very good at drawing with ink, Sarah! All of them are wonderful, although I admit my favorite is the “Rumplewitch!” He’s just so darn cute…. And I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who loves Snoopy, too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww – thank you so much, Diana! 🙏 ❤ It’s amazing what a little practice can do, I already feel more comfortable drawing with ink than before the challenge and I’m only halfway through. 😄

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  6. I love these types of challenges. Inktober is a great idea, you’re so good at finding these things.I don’t think I saw the snail yet, but it’s great. Drawing is such a wonderful gift.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Suzanne! 🙏 I admit that this challenge makes me realize how little time I spent drawing these days, and how much I enjoy it. We should all try to incorporate more of the little things we enjoy in our hectic days.😊


  7. Sarah, these sketches show such incredible diversity of subject and style rendered. If I didn’t know better, I’d say each was drawn by a different artist. Kudos to you for having so many skills. I’m having a hard time choosing my favorite, but am glad I’m no closer to the bumble bee than this page – handsome though he is. Would love to cuddle the darling little Rumpelwicht – I think we could give each other some comfort. May I ask if you pencil sketch first, or do you commit immediately to ink on paper? I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of this month’s entries.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much, Shari! I admit – if bumblebees were as huge as the one in my drawing I would probably run! 😄 The Rumpelwichte are so cute I’d love to cuddle them too. 😊 As to my technique – it depends on the subject I draw. If it’s a more complex drawing I do a pencil sketch before so I get the details right.

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