Film Friday – “What’m I supposed to do? Think of everything? I brought the comb!”



Film Fridays is a project initiated by Darren from over at The Arty Plantsman and me.

After doing a daily music challenge for a month last year we talked about doing something similar for movies.

And the current global lockdowns give us the perfect excuse to start!
Many of us are confined to home with only the TV for company so we thought we would start ‘Film Fridays’ so that we can talk about our favourite movies and hopefully give our readers some ideas for things to watch.
We would be delighted if you would join us!
Just tag your post with #FilmFriday and do a pingback to either Darren’s or my posts so that we can can have a look at yours! You can also copy the “Film Friday” poster I came up with.

We don’t necessarily want to talk about the nerdy technical details but more about why these films speak to us as individuals, why they have a place in our hearts, and any personal memories they evoke.

So please join us each friday when we will each be talking about a different movie from our list of favourites!




In case you don’t recognize the quote from this post’s title, it’s from the film Stand by Me, an 1986 American coming-of-age film directed by Rob Reiner and based on Stephen King’s 1982 novella The Body, with a title derived from Ben E. King’s song.

The film stars Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O’Connell. In Stand by Me, four boys in 1959 Castle Rock, Oregon, go on a hike to find the dead body of a missing boy.

To me this is one of the best films ever made: the characters – vulnerable and strong at the same time –  are beautifully portrayed by such young actors, it makes you cry, the story and story-telling is simply superb and the music/soundtrack is just fabulous.


I really don’t know how many times I have watched it, but I know that it still isn’t enough. This is one of those rare jewels that get better with each viewing.


And even Stephen King was very impressed with the film. On the special features of the 25th anniversary Blu-ray set, King indicated that he considered the film to be the first successful translation to film of any of his works. According to a later interview with Gene Siskel, Reiner recalled that after a private early screening of the film, King excused himself for fifteen minutes to compose himself; he later returned to remark, “‘That’s the best film ever made out of anything I’ve written, which isn’t saying much. But you’ve really captured my story. It is autobiographical.’


As to my favourite characters, I couldn’t really say that I have one as they were all so great – Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton) is nerdy and shy, Chris Chambers (River Phoenix) is cool, smart and passionate, Teddy Duchamp (Corey Feldman) is full of anger and hurt, Vern Tessio (Jerry O’Connell) is a scaredy-cat and often bullied, even by his friends.

Since I think the whole film is wonderful I’m also at a loss to pick a favourite scene. 😂

So I’ll leave that to you. 😉

Have you ever watched it? Did you like it? Do you have a favourite scene/character?

Let me know all about it in your comments!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

39 thoughts on “Film Friday – “What’m I supposed to do? Think of everything? I brought the comb!”

  1. When this film came out, our sons were 10 and 6 years old. I’d taught school but didn’t really understand twelve-year-old boys well. (Not sure I do now, either, but I have a lot more experience.) Still, there was something about the film that struck me as absolutely true to its core, and the young actors were brilliant. Now that I have a grandson who is nearly fifteen, I see in him that he feels unsettled, unsure, but definite that he doesn’t want to be like any of us, the adults. He is beginning to make up his own mind about the world, he’s adventurous in ways that are sometimes secretive, and his choices in the next few years will define him in ways we can’t yet imagine. The Covid crisis has amplified the uncertainty.

    The four boys in this film are going into seventh grade, that time when kids aren’t sure if they want to play with trucks in the sandbox or with girls on the back lot. I remember my own son just a few months before the end of his sixth grade year when he was twelve, and realized he was both so much more mature than I’d given him credit for, and so very young that I still wanted to sing him to sleep. King captured the angst of childhood on the cusp so very well, partly of course because the story is somewhat autobiographical. I can’t imagine anyone seeing this film and not being affected by it. Even as a woman, I saw myself among those boys. It made me uncomfortable but it also made me weep. It made me afraid for my sons and all that I couldn’t control. An extraordinary film that I will never forget. And thank you, Sarah, for the reminder – a film I will have to see again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Shari. I remember having seen this as a kid which of course was a whole different experience as if I had been an adult already I think, although keeping that inner child in me alive maybe it wouldn’t have been all that different after all.

      It must be a bit worrisome to watch your grandson coming of age in a time where so many terrifying things are happening. It’s never easy but building up a personality and character in such times seems to me even more challenging. Although maybe it’s also a great opportunity – being confronted with these things at such an early age could have a positive effect. When I was his age there was this huge political debate about France doing still those atomic bomb tests, and I participated in demonstrations and learned a lot more from all that than I would probably have in school (which of course I skipped to attend the demonstrations 😉 ).
      And I must confess that at this moment in time I’m kind of grateful for the first time in my life, that I don’t have children of my own, since I think I couldn’t handle all the worry about them and their future very well. I admire all parents who have so much on their plates right now and still manage to raise their kids.

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  2. I learned a lot about the film today. I didn’t know Steven King wrote it so I’ll have to go back and watch it again. That is was somewhat autobiographical is also a surprise. It’s been a long time since I watched it. Thanks for the information.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Marlene, and I hope you get to watch it again soon! I didn’t know about it being quite autobiographical either but learned about it on Wikipedia. 😉 Hope all is well and that you and your daughter get to enjoy time in your garden! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Me too! It hasn’t rained enough here this winter and the forests are bone dry. 😦 I’m afraid there’s another season of drought and wildfires coming. 😦

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  3. I really enjoyed this film. It’s funny, but I enjoy movies that feature ten-year-old kids without adult supervision. Lol. And this film kicked that off. 🙂 Great share, Sarah, and a fantastic song.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed this film, the music and this post, Diana! Oh yes – movies featuring kids without adult supervision are always great fun! 😀 ❤

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  4. OMG. You’re really winding back the time machine. It’s been foreverrrrr! So I forgot that Stephen King wrote the book and had no idea of that fun fact and what a good one it is!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A wonderful film. I remember exactly when and where I saw it, and with whom. I even used to play a (pretty awful) rendition of Stand by Me on guitar. It is beautifully written and made and I really must watch it again. Thank you for reminding me of a lovely movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Su! So glad it brought back these lovely memories to you. 😀 And I’m sure your rendition wasn’t as awful as you think. 😉

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  6. It has been years since I saw this and even then I am not sure I saw the whole film. I do love the King story though. He never gets enough credit for being a superb writer of characters and this is a prime example. Great choice Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Darren! You really should try watching it again, it’s a classic! Funny and sad at the same time, and I bet you’d love the music!
      Stephen King is one of my favourite writers, a real master of his craft!


      1. I will seek it out. Our friend Linda, who lives near King, told me a year or two back that the house next door to him was up for sale. He has a dog called Molly – which is obviously in his favour too.
        I just love his writing. ‘It’ is one of my all time favourite novels. Maybe we should do books after we finish movies and TV??😂

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      2. Now that would be something – living next door to a King. 😉 I couldn’t really decide on a favourite novel but I loved 1963, Shining, the Finders,Keepers trilogy, Green Mile…
        Definitely books after we’ve finished movies and tv!!! 😀


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