Virtual Tea Party 2020 – Christmas Edition

Today is the final Virtual Afternoon Tea for this year – and what a strange and frightening year it has been.

Su’s wonderful idea to bring us all together over our favorite tea treats and have a little chat each month was one of few highlights I had the great pleasure to enjoy this year. (Even though I kept waiting until the last possible minute to bake a little something to join each tea party! I guess I’ll never learn. 😉 )

Matcha cookies, coffee and a reindeer, Dec. 2020

And yes, it was no different this time because I baked this new interpretation of the German classic Christmas cookies “Angels’ Eyes” late yesterday evening and had to wait until morning for it be light enough to take a few pics.

Matcha Ado About Nothing

So what I’m offering you here are Matcha cookies with vanilla and red currant jelly. Full of antioxidants and whatnot you don’t have to feel guilty at all to stuff yourself with them (okay, there is butter in them – lots – but surely that’s healthy too? 😉 )

I love tea so matcha that I can even eat it!

Besides, it’s Christmas soon, so who cares about calories, right? We can always start loosing weight after the holidays – by which I mean the Easter holidays of course. 😉

Is that snow, dandruff or confectioner’s sugar on the cookies? No worries, it’s the latter because I love you so matcha! 😉

Please let me know how you’re doing these days! What’s happening in your part of the world?

Hope you enjoyed my little offerings and wish you a beautiful and peaceful Holiday Season!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

65 thoughts on “Virtual Tea Party 2020 – Christmas Edition

    1. Haha! I’m sure it doesn’t! 😉 And thank you, it’s something I’ve come to enjoy last year a lot – though maybe not as much as eating the stuff I take pictures of. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! Thank you! 🙏💗 Christmas was very quiet this year but lovely still. Friends and family made a point of delivering gifts in lieu of real company. Hope you had a good Hannukah! 🕎 xxx


  1. Beautifully set table, Sarah! and delectable images you bring to us, complete with colours of the season!

    Love your witty tagline: “matcha ado about nothing” – you are so clever!

    I love these tea time get-togethers – you & our other blogger friends bring so much cheer to this indeed frightful time. Be safe and well as you shoo in a new year. May the year ahead bring better news to us all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Ju-Lyn! 😀

      I love these get-togethers too and hope that they will continue so that we can enjoy each others company.
      Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year, my friend! ❤


  2. Love ya so matcha back! Hhahaha and your tea and German cookies look delish
    And Next week I am making an alternative cookie
    – a cookie with eggs, almond flour and stevia and nuts – fingers crossed they come out

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! 😉 Glad you got the pun, Yvette!
      Your cookie recipe sounds yummy! I’ve been thinking about reducing sugar in my recipes and/or replacing it with other stuff. Let me know about how you like replacing it with stevia!
      And Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi – I will keep you posted – and I made some pumpkin treats in October and November and they were excellent –
        Merry Christmas to you and yours too!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course, Tracy! Actually when I tried brewing the Matcha I wasn’t too fond of the taste either, so had a look what else I could do with it. Turns out it’s great for all kinds of desert and even for baking bread. Also the taste improves. 😀

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  3. 100 points for matcha / Christmas green with red jelly + more points for the holly themed mug and the confectionery sugar too. All around, I’d say a high score for a lovely tea time treat. xxoo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!! A 100 points! Awesome! 😁 I admit that I only noticed the colour matching of the cookies and mug when I edited the shots. 😄
      Have a lovely Christmas time, Lani! 🌲💕

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So yummy Sarah but perhaps a bit too sweet for me. There has been lots of rain and minor floods to contrast the drought and fires at this time last year. Still waiting for the festive spirit to find me

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have some homemade humus and tzasiki with sourdough crackers as well if you prefer, Brian? 😉
      I’m sorry to hear about the minor floods and hope your weather will improve soon. I admit to not notice much of the weather these days – it gets dark very early (around 4pm) and all the horrible news make it difficult to concentrate on the good things in life. Maybe that’s why I like to eat sweet things at the moment?
      Hope your festive spirit will catch up with you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Sarah. I am enjoying the rain as it is revitalising my garden and the burnt bush. I don’t think I could live where the sun sets so early in Winter.
        I’ll have some homemade whatever you make delicious Sarah 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. A happy post, Sarah. It made me smile so matcha! Those look beautiful and yummy. Now I’m going to have to bake something. Sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar (not dandruff). Lol. Thanks for the tea party and Merry Christmas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad my post made you smile, Diana! And yay for inspiring you to bake something too! What did you bake? And even more important: can I have a piece? 😉 Don’t bother about the dandruff… confectioner’s sugar. 😉 Merry Christmas to you too! 🌲💕

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  6. I’ve never heard of Angel Eyes so this is something new. Yes, we will all start the new diet in the new year but I will take a day of celebration on Jan. 20th to share a bottle of champagne with my daughter as we watch the inauguration. Those calories won’t count either. 🙂 It will get better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Celebratory champagne definitely doesn’t have any calories, and it’s the perfect choice of drink for the 20th Jan!
      There are so many German cookie varieties, I think I could fill an entire blog with them. 😄 But I’d much prefer filling my friends’ bellies with them here. 😉

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      1. Save me some. I’ll come for a visit as soon as this crazy mess is behind us. 😉 I could read a whole blog about cookies. 😉 Probably gain weight from the reading too. Your card will be late this year and not hand made. I apologize now. It’s been a crazy month. Maybe I’ll start making New Year’s cards. 😉 Hugs.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries, Marlene, my card probably won’t make it to Christmas, if at all! 😂 Not much luck with the post these days. Anyway better to concentrate on cookies anyway – the ones I made for this post are already all gone by now! I practically inhale the stuff. 😂 Hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

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