Scarred soul of mine

This drawing is for my dear friend Syeda, who´s precious and powerful poem “Scarred soul of mine” has been a source of inspiration for me!

Please visit her wonderful blog This is my life! and enjoy her lovely poetry!


Beaten Soul


This is my soul peeping out
With the scars showing hidden hurt
And pain, which you know not about
You thought I’d not feel, for I was all dirt.

I will not show those scratches you made
Those cuts you left, deep and uncured
They seem to stay, unable to fade,
Yet every time in your words I was lured.

Those shattering and breaking pieces of me,
I hold onto them, to avoid the world’s eyes
I cannot let them, visible to any vision be,
For the world of liars, will count my truth as lies.

They remind me of what I was and have gone through
I faced and fought whatever you and the world threw,
I won’t show the scars, the unhealed bruises and wounds,
No eye is pure to see my soul beaten and left in glooms.



Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

18 thoughts on “Scarred soul of mine

    1. Thank you so,so much Chris!! Yes, you´re right, we all have scars to show though most of them might not be visible… Syeda´s got a rare talent to combine this dark side we all carry around with the beauty of her words and make it something remarkable. Have a lovely sunday!
      Cheers, Sarah:)

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    2. Wow! This is so beautifully done Sarah! Got tears to my eyes to see the heart lying out. (They are “always ready to flood” kind eyes!! 😭)
      Pain and sorrows, are far worse than physical bruises, I feel. Those scars stay forever, and they keep reminding us about things we’d want to forget. People say with time we heal, I think, it’s when we decide ‘it’s enough’, that we decide to get healed. And that is what I try to write in my scrambled words! 🙂
      I am so honored my friend. Thanks a lot! I am extremely happy to have connected to you here on WP! So, we are good as a team, eh girl? 😎😎
      Lotsssss of love and best wishes! *hugs* Syeda

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      1. You sweet lovely soul Syeda! I am soooo happy you like it! (To be honest, I really wasn´t sure if you would since you chose so beautiful pictures to accompany your poems – but I´m so relieved now!)
        Yes, you´re are so absolutely right about our pains and sorrows – most physical wounds heal with time, the invisible ones are more difficult to come by. I´ve suffered a lot from bullying at school and although that happened quite a long time ago, I still waste a lot of time thinking about it and suffer from nightmares from time to time. I know that compared to other terrible things that happen daily in this world it really is nothing but it definitely shaped the way I am now. I guess drawing and painting is some form of therapy for me;)
        Each carries his or her own packet and we all have to learn how to deal with it.
        Apart from the sheer beauty of your words, it is the content of them that affect me so much, I guess.
        I am truly thankful to have met you here too and I am looking very much forward to read more from you and maybe pair up as a team again, eh;)? I would definitely enjoy it! And if I give myself more time, maybe there will even be a painting in it instead of a mere drawing;)
        Wish you wonderful and happy week! Bless you my friend! Lots of love, Sarah:)

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      2. Haha! We two are so good at writing letters to one another!! 😋 (Just kidding!!)
        I haven’t gone through those things, but I really can feel your pain, Sarah. So sorry about that, but let’s move ahead girl! I choose pictures from Google, but I always wanted to write for exclusive and original art, so I loved your original piece dear!
        Wish you all the best things in life. Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay happy and blessed! Lottsss of love! Syeda!
        P.S. Let’s work again soon, I thoroughly enjoyed it!! 😍😘

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