
“Baa!” (white clay, yet to be fired)


Christmas draws nearer and nearer and I´m awfully busy making self-made gifts for friends and family – like every year I promise myself to start earlier than before, and like every year I utterly fail to keep that promise… 😉

This year I decided to spice up my gifts with little sheeps that can hold a tea-light.


Me, highly concentrated on attaching the legs on one sheep and – as usual –  surrounded by clutter 😉  (on my right, barely distinctable from all the other stuff, but within reach and beside one of the sheep, a chocolate bar – a reliable companion in this stressful time 😉 ).



sheep hanging upside down and waiting to be completed – the other sheep don´t seem to approve of that outlandish manner…


It takes much longer to make these sheep than I thought possible, about half an hour for one. I try to make them look alike but with little differences that make them unique.


“I wonder how long we need to stand here? Will she ever let us out and have fun eating grass?” “Baa! Eh, Nah! I think she will set us on fire!” (both shuddering at the thought of the wolf… eh, kiln already lying in wait…)


again me, this time laughing insidiously at the anxious little sheep and their wild imagination… or is it my own? 😉


sheep (fired, glazed and unharmed 😉 )
“I might have a big head, but I´m also much cleverer than the other sheep!”


no way these eyes could ever lie…
“When I grow up, I want to be a WOLF!”


“Here´s looking at you kid.”
one part of the little herd is already completed (though one is already gone, having decided to accompany one of my friends that came around and visited me), all are fired and glazed.


After having formed a couple of sheep for about three hours, I decided to call it a day when I saw a bit of left-over clay still lying around my working place. Never one to waste something I fiddled with it for about five minutes 😉

And this is what came out…


Red Sqirrel (white clay, fired and glazed with “Morning Dew”-glaze)



as usual, the sheep are looking up for their pack-leader 😉


If you want to see what I did last year for christmas, have a look here


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

43 thoughts on ““Baa!”

  1. So charming! am envious of all your present recipients! is your kiln at your home? if so, would love to hear about how you set it up. wishing you & yours a wonderful holiday season!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sooo much, Inese! Wish I could send you one but the shipping costs are just horrendous! And also my little hard has left me by now…bringing a bit light and hopefully you to my friends 😄 Wish you and your lived ones a very wonderful and merry Christmas my very dear friend!!!! 😄😚❤💙💚💛💜🎄🎀🐑⛄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi miss G- I love these for tea lights! I also want to know if I can feature this post with one of my 365 days of art (it is a little blog series I started this month and have to share some of this – would that be cool?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Shipping costs are terrible! I’ve just sent some little gifts to my family in England and postage cost more than the presents themselves. If you ever decide to sell them online though, I’d definitely buy one. I’m still smiling when I think about how gorgeous they are 🙂 Hope you are having a great week. xxxxxx


      2. That’s exactly why my family in England and I decided years ago not to send us any presents anymore. We keepthem until we see each other again 😉
        Haha! I’d love to sell them online but I think it might not be worth all the trouble 😉 Glad they make you smile though 😃 Have a very lovely weekend dear Su! Had you already a chance to dip into the ocean? xxxxxxxxxxx😚

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      3. 😃 yes; I think the problem with hand-crafted objects is that no matter how beautiful they are, people aren’t prepared (or can’t) pay the price that fairly reflects the artist’s efforts — especially when there is so much mass-produced stuff available. My resolution moving forward is to own much less, buy local and support artisans as much as possible. I do realise that I’m in a pretty privileged position to be able to do that though. I’ve just organised some gifts for donation to the Salvation Army’s Christmas appeal and I was torn between buying beautiful artisan things, and giving gift cards for a chain store. In the end I went with the gift cards, because they give the recipient choice, and that amount of money goes so much further there. It broke my heart to do it though! All the best to you dear Sarah. xxxx

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      4. I understand your dilemma completely but I think those cards are really the best choice in this case. And I’m fascinated by your new way of living – it’s brave and I totally love it!! Wish I could do the same, especially with locally grown veggies and stuff but my income doesn’t allow this….yet! 😉 But every little helps I think and I’m intent on making my carbon footprints as small as possible. 😄 Like with the shopping bags 😉
        Wish you and your lives ones a wonderful and very merry Christmas dear Su!!! 😄😚❤💚💛💜🎄🎀🐈⛄😉


  3. Little known facts about Osyth: 1). When we find our forever house it will have room for a couple of sheep because I just adore them and 2) In the US my husband had to get used to me feeding the squirrels and encouraging them to play on the deck because, well because I love them! Your little flock and the red squirrel are absolutely adorable …. they would sell like hot cakes on Etsy xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Osyth! 😄 And you just described my dream house 😉 Hope you’ll find yours soon and maybe you could take some pics of the lovely sheep and share them? 😄 Have a beautiful weak! 😚😚😚

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      1. I forgot my camera today but I met the most magnificent flock of black sheep with white stripes down their faces. I will share some sheep very soon because I am always finding them on my little rambles!

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    1. Thank you so much, Oglach! It’s so sweet of you to make this your favourite sheep – it’s mine as well 😉 And the wolf thing? I’m still waiting for it to happen 😉 Hope you’ll be more lucky😉 Have a lovely day and wonderful week! 😄

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      1. That’s too bad, but keep at it, it’s totally worth the effort when you feel their tiny nuzzle for the first time in your hand 😃 So sorry for not having visited your blog in quite a while now, I’m having difficulties with my internet provider and rely on the service at the local library where you can use it 1 your for free. Hope you are well and that you have a wonderful time! xxxxxxxx

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