
  Christmas draws nearer and nearer and I´m awfully busy making self-made gifts for friends and family – like every year I promise myself to start earlier than before, and like every year I utterly fail to keep that promise… 😉 This year I decided to spice up my gifts with little sheeps that canContinue reading ““Baa!””


In everything I do, especially art, I can not help but letting my feelings and emotions be part of what I do… So, if I´m happy, the things I draw, paint or form of clay, are likely to represent this feeling in some form or other. The same goes for when I´m angry or anxious.Continue reading “Contemplation”

A Happy Horse

  Sometimes I sit in front of a lump of clay and don´t know what to do with it. Then I begin to knead and pull at it without any intention whatsoever. The last time I was doing that someone in my pottery course suddenly exclaimed: “Ha! That looks exactly like horse kicking its legsContinue reading “A Happy Horse”

Proud to present… a Dragon!

I noticed that it´s been a long time since I´ve posted some pottery here – that´s not because I haven´t done any but because I find it rather difficult to make some decent pictures of my pieces. Most of the time the light is bouncing off the glaze like crazy and no one would beContinue reading “Proud to present… a Dragon!”