Magnolia Dreams… and Matcha-Cheesecake

I wish you all a magnificent, peaceful and Happy Easter! 🐣 🐰

Last Monday – the last warm day before it got cold again 😉 – I went with my mum on a beautiful walk to enjoy the sun and get some much needed exercise. It was quite stormy though and the wind was whipping around our ears and although I had my camera with me, it was quite useless to take some pictures as they became all blurry.

But right before we decided to call it a day, the wind finally ceased for a few moments as we stood before this glorious magnolia tree. Quick as lightning I got the camera out, shot some pictures and happy as can be, knew it was my Easter gift for all of you! 🙂

The Matcha-Cheesecake though (I admit it´s not easy to discover the Matcha in all the cheesecake – but trust me, the upper top of it is actually a bit green and full of that surprisingly pricey green tea, which is why I decided to mix it with only one third of the cheesecake batter 😉 ) is a belated Birthday present for my dear friend Terry over at Spearfruit! Belated Happy Birthday, Terry! And Happy Easter! 🙂

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

40 thoughts on “Magnolia Dreams… and Matcha-Cheesecake

  1. Magnolia blossoms are such satiny, beautiful flowers! I like matcha tea and the green tea mixed with pineapple juice is delicious. I am impressed with your cheesecake, Sarah! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Robin!
      The blossoms of the Magnolia trees have nearly all come off by now and I´m glad I captured their beauty this year!
      Matcha tea is incredibly healthy and mixing it with fruit juice sounds like a good idea to take out the sting of it 😉
      Have a lovely week! 🙂 xoxo

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      1. Your magnolias are beautiful, Sarah. Last year I was able to post a small magnolia tree at a restaurant- cafe. 🙂

        So glad you understood this to be my way of drinking matcha tea but not a criticism. Just a suggestion. It would be delicious in a cheesecake adding flavor. xoxo ❤

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  2. A teeny note. I’ve been rather snowed under and simultaneously suffering with a bout of the blues. Normal service will be resumed soon but in the meantime, I must send you love and a very real assertion that the matcha cheesecake must be made. This could be the remedy do we think? Xx

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    1. Hi Osyth! I admit, I´ve been worried a bit about you and checking your blog for some vital signs, but just assumed that you might be too busy with renovation. I´m so sad to hear that you´re having the blues. Don´t feel pressed or anything to visit my blog, just as long as I know you’re kind of fine, I´m glad. Take your time and heal! Matcha-Cheesecake, or any plain old cheesecake is quite a good remedy, I agree 🙂 Wish I could have sent you some! Sending you huge hugs, love and something utterly beautiful and diverting that scares away this damn brute of a black dog that´s gnawing at your soul! xxxxxx 💕🌷

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      1. Thank you … you are such a dear and I am very very lucky to have stumbled upon you in this life of mine. All shall be well and cake and our shall see off the brutish beast xxx

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    1. Thank you, Lana! Matcha seems to be en vogue right now, but to be honest, I couldn’t really taste the difference between the cheesecake part that had some in it and the one that didn’t… As to drinking it, it´s quite strong and takes some time to getting used to. Also it´s quite expensive and I think I´ll just stick to my “normal” organic green tea 😉


  3. Ooooh… love those pretty Easter blossoms, Sarah 🙂 Our blanket of Easter snow is showing patchy signs of melting. But pics like this are as close to blossoms as we’ll get for quite a while yet! 🙂 ❤ Jackie@KWH

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    1. Thanks a lot, Jackie! Hope the flowers will blossom soon in your corner of the world! Around here farmers are a bit worried because of the sudden cold and little frost – all the crops have already blossomed and it could be disastrous if the frost would destroy them 😦 It´s like nature was a bit too rash with flowering all over…
      Wish you a lovely week with no new snowfalls! 🙂 xoxo ❤

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      1. uh ohhh… Weather can be a heavy load for farmers :-/ Hope those crops will survive/thrive, despite the unexpected frost! We woke up to fresh snow today, so I’m not holding my breath for blooms …LoL… sighhh 😉 Wishing you warm weather and a wonderful week, Sarah! 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH

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  4. You captured the magnolia’s spectacular beauty, Sarah. There were a few old ones in the historic district of the nearby small town where I grew up. I loved them. And that cheesecake…mmmmm. 😊

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  5. Beautiful images Sarah, and a wonderful easter gift. I love magnolias (though preferably not in my garden, shedding petals all over the place to rot) and your images capture the scale as well as the detail of these wonderful trees. And as for Matcha cheesecake; yum yum. I bought Matcha powder intending to make icecream but (surprise, surprise) didn’t get round to it. Cheesecake looks like a very good alternative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Su! 🙂
      Yes, the shedding petals bit is also much loathed around here 😉
      Ooh! Matcha ice cream sounds goooood! 😋
      Although I have to admit that I didn’t taste the Matcha in my cheesecake – probably because I didn’t´take enough, but maybe heating the stuff to 170 degrees C isn´t good for it either 😉 Maybe it would keep its taste in ice cream… Let me know, if you try get around to it! Have a lovely week sans mosquitoes! 🙂 xxxxxxxx

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      1. Hopefully I’ll be safe from the mosquitoes now; it’s suddenly got a bit colder. Good for nice foggy mornings!!!
        I haven’t done much baking (or even cooking) lately; so I really should have a session quite soon. xxxxx 🙂

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  6. The photos of the glorious magnolia trees are amazing and beautiful. You are very kind Sarah, thank you very much for the Matcha-Cheesecake – it looks wonderful and yummy! Happy Easter my dear friend. 🙂

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  7. Lovely pictures of Magnolias. Matcha cheesecake … ooooh and a full cup of coffee to go along. That is really tempting especially for those with sweet tooth (fang) 🙂

    Happy Easter to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much! 😄 Yes, those of us with sweet fangs are greatly tempted to have a second helping 😉 Just glad the Count isn’t around to eat it all himself! 😂
      Happy Easter to you too, and a lovely weekend!

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