Iris Day

Happy – Belated –  Iris Day!

Iris, Körnerpark Berlin, Summer 2016


I hope you had a lovely Iris Day yesterday! I´m sorry for not posting this accordingly but I´m currently having a bit of trouble with inflamed arm tendons and might skip a day or two this week of my self-imposed challenge in order to rest my arms a bit.

I haven´t checked yet, but I think the Irises still need a couple more weeks to get out. That´s why I opted for some pics I shot last year in a beautiful little park in my area. I didn´t know then that they would come in so handy sometime. 🙂

Iris, Körnerpark Berlin, Summer 2016


And there´s another Iris I want to draw your attention to – this one is a lovely new friend of mine who´s living in beautiful Australia. She is a wonderful poet whose poems are treasures to behold just like the beautiful flowers that have lend their name to her. 🙂 Please visit her blog and enjoy her amazing poetry!

And if you want to look at a stunning and beyond-beautiful painting of Irises, have a look at the Instagram page of my dear friend Divya, who is an extremely talented young woman with many wonderful creations of all kinds, be it an awe-inspiring cake, lovely writings or, like in this case, a stunning painting. I am very lucky to call her my friend and can only recommend you visit her blog and discover for yourself what I just tried to describe! 🙂

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

50 thoughts on “Iris Day

  1. Irises are one of my favorite flowers, Sarah, and I finally got around to doing something for this prompt, although I see that I am already behind. I am also friends with the lovely poet, Iris. Her poems truly transport readers to another world, and I enjoy them very much. No need or hurry to respond until your arm is better, Sarah…which I hope is really soon!

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  2. Hi Sarah, I’m sorry I’ve just noticed this… thanks so much,my friend! You are so sweet and I shall pop over to see your friend’s blog. 🙂 Take good care and hope you’ll feel better soon. Hugs and much love ❤ ⚘

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    1. You´re very welcome, Iris! I just wanted to share your lovely poetry with as many people as possible as it always makes me smile 🙂 So glad to have found you here on WordPress! Hugs and much love to you too! 🙂 💕🎼🐨

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      1. You are really so sweet and kind, Sarah! ❤ I am truly happy to have you visiting and your lovely comments are very much appreciated, my friend. Hugs and much love. 💞 🌻 🙂

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  3. Beautiful photos, Sarah! Here in the Southern US, the iris have bloomed and gone away. 🙁 They were one of my mom’s favorite flowers, and when they bloom, I can’t help but think of her.
    Take care, and rest those arms! 💜

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  4. Lovely photos Sarah. I’m so sorry to hear about your tendons and I hope you’re feeling better soon. Thanks for the links btw; I especially love Divya’s painting. Take care xxxx

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      1. That´s exactly the point – even holding a book hurts then! I have to fall back on audio books in this case. It´s a bit better now, but I have to remain careful otherwise it will get worse quickly…
        How´s your knee? Are those inserts already helping? Take care and have a wonderful weekend and a splendid Mother´s Day tomorrow! 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

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      2. That is awful Sarah. Is it a specific injury? No, don’t answer that until you are feeling better.
        I hope you have a good supply of audio books, and nice food that doesn’t require lots of cooking.
        My orthotic inserts are proving to be a little side-drama. They had to be shaped specially for my feet, but the person doing it made a mistake so I had to take them back to be fixed. I really hope they are ready soon because I’m going away next weekend and will have to do quite a lot of walking. Sigh!
        Thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes. It will be a very quiet day for me.
        Hope you feel better very soon 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

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      3. It´s more an inherited weakness of the connective tissue – my mum has it too. I just need to take care not to overdo anything I do, like typing for hours etc. Once inflamed it takes a while to recover.
        Ill fitting inserts are like walking in hell! I hope they can fix it quickly so you can enjoy your trip next weekend! xxxxxxxxx

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      4. Ouch. I guess at least you know what it is, and can try to prevent inflammation.
        I’m hopeful I’ll have my footwear and inserts all sorted for the weekend. There is a cool light festival on in Wellington and I’m determined to visit all the installations.

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      5. I did get the inserts and they were brilliant. The light festival was pretty good. Some really interesting work, and a lot of stuff that was clever technology but a bit “so what?” Maybe I’m too critical. I loved being in Wellington though. It’s a really compact city with great food and coffee culture, lots of art and good shopping. Oh, and friends whose company I really enjoy. A perfect weekend really. 🙂 xxxxx

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      6. So glad you had a perfect weekend, Su! The festival looks awesome, I´m sure I would love it! Though when it comes to lightening effects there´s nothing better for one´complexion than candle light, right 😉 xxxxxx

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  5. Oh I had no idea it’s Iris day! I adore them! Lovely capture :))
    Sarah,you’re so kind! I’m so grateful to have stumbled upon your creative blog and more importantly find a friend such as you. You know, I assumed a long time ago that the online world isn’t kind, isn’t anything compared to the real world. But thanks to you & people like you, I happily accept defeat because the warmth and encouragement I’ve experienced here is unparalleled. Thank you thank you😘 I’m glad you liked the painting, it means a lot coming from a wonderful artist such as you!
    Much love to you:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Divya! 🙂
      And I´m so sorry for the late reply but I had to take care of those tense tendons and writing quite strains them.
      I´m so happy to have surprised you with that link to your painting 🙂 I absolutely love it and all the other things you share on Instagram! Would have loved to “like” them but seem to need an account first – something I´m still debating with myself as blogging already takes up so much of my time… But so wonderful friends like you make it hard to resist the Ig temptation much longer 😉
      I shared your thoughts of the online world, and partly I still think they are true – there are many unkind corners and people who are online, spreading hate and dislike. When I tried online dating a couple of years ago, it wasn´t much different – sometimes the internet seems to turn out the ugliest sides of people. But here on WordPress I have found warm and friendly people like you, who enlighten the world with their thoughts and creativity and I am so glad to have connected to you too! 🙂
      Wish you a stunningly beautiful weekend! Much love! 🙂 xo ❤

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      1. Oh don’t be sorry, I totally understand! I hope you’re feeling better now. Thanks for stopping by my Instagram account:)
        I understand your predicament completely Sarah. It’s hard juggling between different social media platforms. Finally we are left with little time outside of it! But if you have the time, I welcome you wholeheartedly! More people need to be able to see your creations & creative abilities 😊❤️
        You’re right, there’s definitely pros & cons to it. Sometimes we are fortunate I guess:)) Have a lovely Sunday 🙂

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  6. Gorgeous Irises, dear Sarah❣️ We are still waiting for our ones to come, it was much to cold and wet so far. I’ll pop right over and have a look at your friends work.
    I hope your arm is improving. Rest and get well 💕💕

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  7. 1) Don’t respond to this because 2) I am sending good wishes for your arms to improve and typing will not help the cause! 3) I adore Iris and 4) we have some absolute beauties in the parks here which they have mixed with Alium to fantastic effect. I will photograph if 5) I can ever remember to take my camera out with me 6) xxxxxx

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