The Unique Blogger Award




My friend, the lovely Fitness WonderWoman, Shay-lon has nominated me for “The Unique Blogger Award”!

(To be quite honest, she has nominated me for several other awards too in the past but somehow I never got around to do them and I feel awfully ashamed of that.)

That´s why I decided to forgo any other blog post subject that was circling in my mind for now and do this award instead. 🙂

So, first of all: Thank you Shay-lon for not giving up on me! You are the best! Please visit her awesome blog “Staying healthy isn´t a crime – Fitness is a lifestyle choice“! It´s full of very good exercise and health-related advices, interesting facts I never heard of before and it´s an inspiration to all of us!


And here are the rules for this award:

  • Share the link to the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 15 people and notify them.
  • Ask them three questions.


1.What (or who) inspired you to get into blogging? That was actually I book I read, “One plus One” by Jojo Moyes.

2. Describe your ideal three-course meal? Mmmh… that´s too hard to decide really, but you can never go wrong with good Italian food, so let´s just say some nice antipasti (bruschetta for example), a lovely lasagne and gelato 🙂

3. Would you consider naming any future children after fictional characters, if so which characters? (Or if you already have children, did you gave them names after fictional characters?) I think I would definitely consider it, since there are so many wonderful fictional characters. I always liked the name “Alanna” for a girl after the main character of a book series by Tamora Pierce that I read when I was a child. But in the end I think, I would prefer to name any possible future kids after their grandparents or great-grandparents 🙂


My nominees are: 

Jennie – A Teacher´s Reflection

Charles – Charles French Words Reading and Writing

Osyth – Half Baked in Paradise

Terry – Spearfruit

Melissa – Inspiration in Focus

Divya – Travel, Food and Art

Rose – Poet Rummager

Helen – HHC Blog

Marlene – In search of it all

Iris – Poetsmith

Lana – L.T. Garvin

Sarah – Travels with Choppy

Paul – Windblownwords

Ann – Muddling Through My Middle Age

Sarah – The Practical Historian


There´s no pressure whatsoever to accept this award of course, but if you do, have fun and just answer the same 3 questions 🙂


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

54 thoughts on “The Unique Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations dear Sarah! Well deserved, since you are indeed a unique beautiful soul.
    Hope the flu is over by now and you are feeling your happy self again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks darling Sarah! I have to agree with Cathy that Italian food is my ultimate favorite, as well. Congratulations on a well deserved award — no one quite as unique as you, love. xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey!
    This was great and thank you for deciding to do this, I know they can be tedious sometimes,but I am glad you found time for this one. I liked your meal choice, i do love Italian food, and it was nice to know that a book gave you an idea to start blogging, that is very interesting indeed.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Sarah
    I’ve been away for so long…thank you so much for the nomination! I’m so grateful! 🙂
    It was good to read this article and get to know you a little bit better:) Hope you’re feeling better these days! And yes, I would have gone with Italian too:-)
    Much love!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Divya!
      I´ve noticed 😉 and I´m hoping you spent the time luxuriously lounging on a lovely tropical island of your choice 😀 😉
      Missed you and hope you´re well and that you enjoy a beautiful summer!
      Much love! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lana! 😀
      Italian food is one of the best in my mind – pure comfort food for the soul, yummy and healthy at the same time 🙂 Also the Italians have a great saying: if it tastes good, it´s light, if it tastes bad, it´s heavy. 😀 And just look at them, most don´t seem to have any weight problems at all (or if they do, they just find a tailor that makes them look like they don´t have 😉 ) so I gather their judgement can be trusted 😉
      Wish you a very lovely summer weekend, too! 🙂 Love! xxxxxx


    1. Thank you, Su. I would have nominated you because for me you are pretty unique 😉 but I know you don´t do those awards so I will just have to tell you it like it is: you´re awesome! 😀
      Glad you agree with my choice of food – I think one can hardly ever get wrong with Italian 🙂 Though I seem to remember you don´t really like pasta, right? Well, there´s still plenty of yummy Italian dishes left 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. (Blush) thank you. That means so much from you.
        You’re right, I’m not crazy about pasta, but I love rice, so would eat risotto every day. And I adore rustic bread, olive oil, tomatoes, garlic … and cheeses. Can’t forget the cheeses. xxxxxxxxxxxx 🙂

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      2. You´re very welcome, Su 😀 And I totally meant what I said 😀
        And don´t forget the polenta – tastes so good too! And frutti di mare, fish… and all those lovely, mouthwatering desserts!!! 🙂 A life without tiramisu would be a very sad one, I believe 😉 xxxxxxxxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you Sarah for the nomination. Lately I have not been participating in blogger awards because I am finding difficulty in fulfilling them. I will set this one aside, and if I have the time I promise to respond – it could take awhile. Thanks again, have a great weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You´re welcome, Terry! And don´t worry, I thought you might not be really having time for these awards right now, but just wanted you to know that you are beautifully unique to me 😀
      Have a wonderful and pain free weekend, my dear friend! Many hugs! 🙂 ❤

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