Total Bliss


My dear friend Annika Perry has recently published her first book, „The Storyteller Speaks – Powerful Stories to Win Your Heart.

Like many of her followers, I couldn´t wait to finally burrow my nose deep into it and absorb her wonderfully written stories like a dried up sponge.

Nevertheless, I was determined to make this book last as long as I could, and promised myself to read only one of the 21 short stories a day.

And now I have to confess, with only the slightest bit of embarrassment at my own inability to stay true to my promise, that I have utterly and completely failed at this. 🙂

So instead of reading one story a day, I ended up reading two or three, sometimes four stories every second or third day. Always torn between the desire to simply keep on reading and the determination to prolong the pleasure of reading her book for as long as possible.

Because reading this book is like eating chocolate – total bliss!

So do yourself a favor – visit her blog if you haven´t already, and get acquainted with this truly marvelous storyteller whose stories will catch your attention and heart in a mere second, mesmerizing you with every word, every sentence and making you wish for more More MORE!

And this is where you will be lucky, because Annika is currently busy with editing her first novel „Island Girl“ for which I can hardly wait to get my hands on!!!

And if my words have so far failed to convince you, here´s the cover and the blurb of „The Storyteller Speaks“:



About the Book 

It only takes one event to change a life. What is that action, decision, occurrence? Whose life is affected? Changed forever? 

In this eclectic mix of 21 short stories, flash fiction and poetry the pendulum swings between first love and murder, from soul-destroying grief to reconciliation. The tales veer from the sweet satisfaction of revenge to new beginnings, from heart-breaking miscarriages of justice to heart-warming Christmas misadventure. 

One common thread binds them all; the belief that there is no such thing as an ordinary life; they’re all extraordinary. 

Open your hearts and minds as The Storyteller Speaks.


You can buy the book at or

You can connect with Annika via:

her blog:

her twitter:

Annika Perry Goodreads: : :

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

77 thoughts on “Total Bliss

  1. Annika and I swapped autographed copies of our book. Your description of her book is apt: like eating chocolate, but I would add one of those large boxes of chocolates and you don’t know which one to have first. I have read the book once already and going back for more. Love her stories and storytelling craft.


    1. Warmest thanks, Sally … for this comment and for all your support and David’s work. It’s been the most intense, exciting couple of months for years!! 😀 At the moment I’m floored by all the wonderful reviews and blog posts/appearances etc…just amazing!!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Such a lovely review of your friend’s book, Sarah. Your analogy to chocolat and your delightful words coming straight from your heart surely make me want to read StoryTellers Speaks. I just can’t resist such a sweet treat! Adding it to my must read list (waiting for the paperback though)… Will start following Annika too! -Dominique 💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dominique, thank you so much for your beautiful comment and Sarah’s words and work always come from her heart – wonderfully so!😀 I hope you have a chance to read my book…I have just received the paperback proofs so it should be released to purchase in paperback very soon. I will make announcement on my blog. I’ve so enjoyed visiting your blog and am following! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks Annika for your lovely comment and visit. Welcome to my world! 😍 Any friend of Sarah is my friend and I can’t wait to get to know you better. I will be browsing your blog some more soon and definitely purchase your book when the paperback is available. Already following you so I will get your announcement. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you very much, Dominique! 😀 I´m sure you will love the stories as much as I do, they also come straight from Annika´s heart and are highly addictive – just like chocolate 😉
      Have a marvelous week, mon amie! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I trust you, Sarah. If you say she is good than I must read her. The way you talk about her book tells me that l probably will be reading it in one stroke and it will draw a smile on my face again long after turning the last page. Have a great week too my friend. 😍

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my…and the list of books I want to read is already so long…

    Happy 2018, dear Sarah. I wish you a year of love and peace, but mostly increasing of your health and that of your mother, so you both can create beautiful art again and be the strong women you both are. Big hug, XxX

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Sarah, I’m even more excited to read Annika’s book now, but I’m waiting for the paperback that is coming out this month. Annika knows I’m watching for her big announcement, too! Thanks for sharing with such exuberance! ❤️😊🎉❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lauren, I wanted to wait for the paperback too, because I prefer print, but couldn’t bear the long wait! 😂 So I gave in and bought my first e-book. 😊 I know you will love her stories just as much as I do. Have a very lovely week and Happy Reading! 😄💕

      Liked by 2 people

  5. What a wonderful review, Sarah! I enjoyed reading your description of Annika’s book very much. You simply can’t beat chocolate and a good book, unless you add either a cup or glass of tea with it. I also have downloaded the book and hoping I get the opportunity to read some. I think the book cover is so gorgeous! I adore Annika and she is a talented writer, outstanding blogger, and one of my favorite writing friends!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you very much, Lana! I already know that whenever you get the chance to begin reading it, you won’t be able to stop! 😁
      I also love the book cover! And I agree with everything you said about our lovely Annika! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Lana, bless you for your lovely comment here. ❤️ I feel likewise, Lana and treasure our friendship formed on WP and it’s always a joy to visit your blog – your writing is always inspiring and stimulating; always immediate and vibrant. Thank you so much for buying my book and do enjoy! As for chocolate, before I became allergic to red wine, I found that tipple went perfectly with a couple squares of dark chocolate!😀


  6. What a wonderful review, and it made me laugh. I started the book last night, planning to read one story per night… and I read three. I couldn’t stop. Ha ha. Annika is a wonderful writer and I’m so happy for her. I totally agree with your recommendation. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Diana, I’m grinning away!! 😀 It was a happy surprise to read Sarah’s post and now just wonderful to see you’re also reading my book. Haha! So pleased the stories keep you hooked to read on! Thank you so much for your terrific comment. ❤️ Enjoy the rest of the book. xxxx

      Liked by 2 people

  7. A lovely review, Sarah. Now we wish Annika well for the sale of her new book… such a great read! How’s your new year been, hope it’s been wonderful and my best wishes for 2018! Love and hugs 😃 ♥️

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for the recommendation, Sarah! I love short stories, but haven’t heard of this author before. I plan to buy some books from Amazon in the near future, and I’ve just put this one on the list. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ann, have a great time binge shopping on Amazon and I would be so happy if my book is included – as a fan of short stories I think you will really enjoy them all. Wishing you a very Happy New Year! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Well how can I possibly NOT buy the book. Noted on my list for the next Amazon binge (coming soon to a sofa near me!). Lots of love to you, dear Sarah. May the New Year bring you only good surprises. And may you get some nicely parceled dreams come true to add a little glitter to the party ✨ xxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Balroop! I really couldn’t help comparing it with chocolate since I was furiously nibbling away on it whilst reading her wonderful stories! 😀
      Wishing you a wonderful and happy year! Love&hugs! xxx

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  10. What a lovely and positive review Sarah. I am smiling at you trying to restrain yourself. I know exactly what you mean as I also bought the book and reviewed it. Frequently tears would fill my eyes as the characters entered my heart.
    You and I seem to have reacted very similar and I feel the affinity reading your excellent review.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Miriam, and I think we do indeed feel the same about Annika´s wonderful book! Isn´t she just a wonderful writer? I really can´t wait for her first novel!!
      Wishing you a Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ps. I meant to wish you a very Happy and Creative New Year filled with joy and laughter! 🎉 It’s been great to meet you here last year and I look forward to your posts and our chats in 2018! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish you just the same! So much joy, laughter and creativity – especially the last in the hopes you will fill more blank pages with your wonderful stories! 😉 Our meeting last year was one of the best things happening to me here! And I also look forward to more lovely chats!
      xxx ❤

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  12. Bless you, Sarah!!! ❤️ What a wonderful surprise on this the first day of the new year! I’m so touched by your words and can’t stop smiling / crying! Wow! It is a wonder to hear the stories described as total bliss and although I know you wanted to make them last I’m glad they tempted you to read on more.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings about my first book as well as all its details. You’re a gem and true friend! Hugs xxxx ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I´m so happy you like my review, Annika – I´ve never done one before so I wasn’t sure what to write and thought it might be best just to describe what I feel. 🙂

      And now I can only hope that your novel will be out soon!!!! 😀
      Have a wonderful week, my friend!
      Hugs! xxx ❤

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