Jurassic Park

This is the third and last part of my recent trip to the Berlin Aquarium (click here for parts 1 and 2) where we´re going to have a look at the reptiles and lizards. If you happen to know more about any of these, please feel free to share!

As we leave the first floor of the Aquarium, we had for the stairs to the second one where we´re greeted by more beautiful stained glass windows. It almost felt like being in a cathedral, an underwater cathedral.

stained glass
Stained glass windows Aquarium Berlin (Oct. 2018)
red fish glass art
Red snapper, detail stained glass window (Oct 2018)

What draws most eyes first when you reach this floor are the big tortoises…

big one
Tortoise (Oct 2018)

… not this guy though, he had only eyes for his tiny new born baby.

new born

Whereas this lizard was either admiring his/her reflection and had only eyes for himself/herself… or was simply looking for a way out!

who´s the most beautiful lizzard
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” (Oct 2018)

And I´m pretty sure that this poor Bornean Giant Turtle was most definitely looking for a way out!

poor guy
“Ah, what a lovely resting place!” (Oct 2018)
“Help!” (Oct 2018)

This guy doesn’t need to fear being confused with a pillow, as he´s cleverly using the rocks as camouflage.

can you see me
Can you see me? (Oct 2018)

This one also perfected the art of hiding in plain sight…

Green lizard hiding (Oct. 2018)
two green lizards
Two green lizards playing “I´m just another green leaf” (Oct. 2018)

And who says that only models have perfect curves…

perfect curves
Perfect curves (Oct 2018)

Did you know that Germans associate emotions like envy and jealousy with the color yellow? So for us it would be the “yellow-eyed monster” instead of the “green-eyed” one when we want to refer to jealousy.

By the way, did you know that the phrase “green-eyed jealousy” was probably coined by The Bard himself? Portia uses this phrase in one of my favorite plays, The Merchant of Venice:

How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair,
And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! O love,
Be moderate; allay thy ecstasy,
In measure rein thy joy; scant this excess.
I feel too much thy blessing: make it less,
For fear I surfeit.

In Othello, Shakespeare refers explicitly to the ‘green-eyed monster’ as jealousy.

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss
Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;
But, O, what damned minutes tells he o’er
Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!

So here, I give you the yellow-eyed “monster”:

yellow eye
“Am I giving you the stink eye? Perhaps, perhaps not.” (Oct 2018)

And I really liked this one´s attidude… eh, attitude. 😉

take it easy
“Take it easy, dude.” (Oct 2018)
“I know, I know, I´m cute. Can you please shut it now?” (Oct 2018)

Not wanting to be rude, that´s exactly what I did after taking this last picture. 😉

Hope you enjoyed our trip to the Berlin Aquarium!

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

62 thoughts on “Jurassic Park

  1. Beautiful post! I do not know what I prefer. Your pictures or your fun thumbnails under the photos? Both certainly! Your series at the aquarium was superb. Congratulations Sarah. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much!!! 😀 I was so worried about that turtle too, but think they wouldn’t let them live together in that little habitat if the crocodiles would eat them! Lol! 😀 And it really is fascinating how these emotions/color schemes change from one culture to another, isn´t it? Have a wonderful day! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rose! I feel the same about caged animals. Luckily zoos and aquariums in Germany give their best and it’s much different from say 50 years ago.
      Isn’t it lovely how smitten the new dad is with his baby? It was such a sweet moment to catch. 😊💕


    1. Thank you, Lisa! I’m so glad you enjoyed these posts! Stained glass is awesome, isn’t it? Part of me hopes that maybe one day I can learn how to do this too but it’s awfully difficult and also a bit dangerous. Maybe better to keep water colouring! 😂💕

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  2. Turtles are my favorite of all. Or tortoises. The father holding his baby is prize winning in my book. I can handle most reptiles other than snakes. I can literally fly when I see one. Feet stop touching the ground I’m moving so fast. 😉 All creatures have a place in the world but I don’t seek most of them out. 🙂 You have some outstanding photos here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe! You and me both, Marlene! Snakes and spiders too – the latter had too many legs the first one not enough! 😂 But you’re right about these creatures also having a place in this world, I just prefer it when we don’t share the same spot at the same time. 😉
      And turtles/tortoises are wonderful creatures, aren’t they? There’s much to learn from them and is there anything more cute than those tiny sea turtles barely as big as a small finger?
      And I felt so lucky witnessing that sweet moment of father and child. 😊 Have a wonderfilled week, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sarah, this was such a fun series of posts about the Berlin Aquarium. I didn’t think I’d enjoy today’s visit to the reptiles and lizards because I despise – and am terrified of – snakes. But you made this such fun. Your captions are hilarious. My favorite photo is of the father holding his new baby, but I really enjoyed all of the pics of these interesting critters. Thank you for a fun visit with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Shari, and I’m so glad you enjoyed this little series and even this last one – I’m not much a fan of snakes either which is why I didn’t bother taking their pictures. 😉 But I’m fascinated by the various beauty of iguanas and other lizards. And you can imagine how lucky I felt taking this pic of the father with his baby, it was such a sweet moment. 😊

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  4. Wow!! What a cool aquarium with stained glass and reptiles. These are lovely photos Sarah; the guy with his baby is heart-melting. Thank you for sharing your visit, and for the lesson in envy-colour metaphor. The Mercant of Venice was the first Shakespeare play I ever saw performed live and i’ve Always had mixed feelings about it. But I guess that’s partly me imposing my modern values on 16th century writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Su! It’s a lovely place for sure and next time I go there I’ll make sure to also take some pics of the architecture.
      The Merchant is definitely challenging to watch from a modern values point of view but then most his plays are. 😉 I love the adaptation with Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons and Joseph Fiennes. 😊

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      1. I haven’t seen that. I wonder if my library harps the DVD. The first time I saw it, the actors were in contemporary clothes and it was done on a really minimalist set. It began my love for pared-back theatre.

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      2. I get that. I love costume too. As I get older I find it easier to be absorbed in the actual performances when there are no elaborate sets and lots of props. One of the best things I’ve ever seen was a one-man show with the actor playing three different Shakespearean characters, in conversation with each other. It was in a threatened so small that in a scene where he (literally) looked sausages, we were sitting so close we could see they were starting to burn 😂😂

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      3. Hehe! I have the same thing happen so often too and it can be pretty embarrassing at times. 😂 One blogger once told me how much she liked my ‘shit’!! If course she meant ‘shot’ – at least that’s what I hope she meant! 😉

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    1. You’re very welcome, Jill! I’m so glad you enjoyed this trip! 😄 It really is a wonderful kind of aquarium and I feel very fortunate to be able to enjoy its beauty whenever I feel like it. 😄 Have a wonderful Sunday! ❤

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    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment! If it hadn’t been a crocodile I might have felt compelled to help this poor turtle. 😉 And it was such fun watching the green lizards!

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