Share Your Music! 30 Days – 30 Songs

Yesterday I came up with an idea for a new blog challenge –

I want to share with you some of the music I absolutely love, and I’m going to do this for the whole month of June!!

So it’s going to be a song a day! 30 Days – 30 Songs!

If you’d like to join me, you can do this on any day you want, or also every day.

A pingback to my posts would be lovely, so that I can keep track of your favorite songs as well.

Today’s song is the Star Wars Main Theme – a real classic, composed by one of my favorite contemporary composers, John Williams.

It’s an inspiring piece of music and makes me dream of exploring outer space myself – and have a lovely chat with Yoda. 😉

I’m sure you know it well, even if you’re not a fangirl like me. 😉




Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

65 thoughts on “Share Your Music! 30 Days – 30 Songs

  1. There was a time when I was in my teens and twenties when John Williams had scored almost every movie in my top 10 (Jaws, Indy and ET as well as Star Wars) and only rivalled by John Carpenter.

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  2. I love Star Wars too! Do you know there is the Star Wars Land which just opened in the States, and a second one to open too? 😀 So exciting and I hope to go one day. I’d love to have a chat to Chewie and we can pilot the Millennium Falcon together 😀😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard about it!! And I so want to go there! It must be a dream come true – mind if I join you and Chewie on the Millennium Falcon? 😉 😀 ❤


      1. It really would be a dream come true to see the X-Wing and Millennium Falcon up close and life-sized. You can certainly join me and Chewie for a ride into space. A dream come true ❤❤❤

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      1. Hi – I am actually getting ready to unplug a bit for the month of June – ugh – but I do have a song scheduled for my blog pause kick off post – so that is one – ha – and i will be by later in the month to maybe backtrack a little on your posts!
        Do you have certain music that inspires you when making some of your art?

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      2. Enjoy your blog pause, Yvette! It’s always nice to unplug for a while and charge those batteries. 🙂
        Actually I can’t really make any art when I’m listening to music, I get too absorped by it and the canvas would stay empty. 😉 But I do listen a lot to audiobooks when painting and I guess the mood of these does have an effect on my art more or less.

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  3. I not surprise to find out you are also a Star Wars fan. We have so many common interests. It is fun though to learn more about you through this cool challenge. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

  4. A fascinating first choice, Sarah. Brings back memories of the impact that the Star Wars movie, first released in 1977, had on our lives. Over the years, I’ve watched every new release in the space saga. After we humans made it to the Moon, space has become our new frontier. Our future as a technologically advanced species–if we don’t succeed in self-destruction–is now as limitless as our expanding Universe.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a beautiful comment, Rosaliene! I’ve also watched every new release, although I have to admit, that I still prefer the original three movies. 😉
      If only people weren’t so obsessed with reaching outer space because they realize that they’re destroying their home planet and want a second chance. I’m not sure if that would be in our abilities of yet anyway.

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  5. This challenge is a wonderful idea, Sarah. I might be listening to Star Wars all day in my head, but it’s a great choice. I’ll always remember when that amazing opening crawl thrust me right into the galaxy. It was a stunning experience, enhanced perfectly by John Williams’ music.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Shari! And I’m sorry for the earworm. 😉 It’s been in my head all day long as well! 😀
      Isn’t the movie opening just amazing? I was instantly hooked! 😀

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    1. Thank you, Jill!
      No worries – I’m not that kind of a fan(atic). 😉
      So glad you enjoy the music!
      Have a lovely Saturday! And may the force be with you! (inside joke, I’m afraid 😉 ) ❤

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      1. I saw an awesome music doc today “Echo in the Canyon” anoint the California sound influence on music, so I’m currently listening to “Pet Sounds”….

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    1. Thank you, Peter! So glad you enjoy this piece of music even though you’re not a fan! 😀 John Williams composed so many classics in film music – it’s easy to see why they all are such hits!
      Have a great weekend too!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Chris! Most of the songs are already picked – which was both easy and difficult because I had to set a limit at one point! 😀


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