A beautiful rear can also endear…

female nude


Published by Sarah

Artist & Illustrator

20 thoughts on “A beautiful rear can also endear…

    1. Thank you so much Chris!! Well, whether she´s sad or not lies in the eye of the beholder, don´t you think?;) Maybe she´s just a little bit melancholic…
      Finding titles is never easy, as I´m sure everone having a blog can agree too;) Glad it made you smile:)
      Have a lovely weekend and keep warm! Cheers, Sarah:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Sarah.
        Good point. The great thing about art (and in much of life) we all see what we see but who knows if that is the reality.
        Titling posts is a definite challenge.
        It won’t be super warm this weekend but anything will seem balmy after last weekend.
        Have a good weekend

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Chris – yes, perception really is an everyday mystery, isn´t it? But then, that´s what makes art etc so wonderful and varied. How dreadfully boring would it be if everyone would feel and think the same about everything;)
        I hope spring will be on it´s way soon – can´t wait to see what pictures you´ll shoot then! A beautiful weekend to you too! Cheers, Sarah:)

        Liked by 1 person

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