Guess What?! A Classic Character in Film and Literature

There´s only one thing that´s good when you´re ill: lying in bed and watching films you love 🙂   This time though I only did a drawing of the main character of the film who also happens to be a very important and prominent character in literature;)   Dare I ask if you can recognizeContinue reading “Guess What?! A Classic Character in Film and Literature”

Guess what?! Happy Valentine´s Day:)

It´s time for another film quiz, and since it´s Valentine´s Day I could not resist to watch the best romantic film ever made (well, at least for me it is;) Can you guess by which film the following drawing is inspired?     Wish you all a very Happy Valentine´s Day!!! P.S. What´s your favouriteContinue reading “Guess what?! Happy Valentine´s Day:)”

Guess what!? Two classic moments in film history

After successfully beating off every virus and germ thrown at me, I finally succumbed to the relentless attacks 😦 And whilst lying in bed with a head the size of a melon and a nose the size of a mini-van and lavishly re-decorating my bedroom with used tissues, I´m determined to enjoy the one thingContinue reading “Guess what!? Two classic moments in film history”