Little Heroes…

I watched a great documentary last night called “(R)evolution” by Rob Stewart that´s mostly focusing on looming environmental collapse and what people do to avert it. It´s been incredibly thought-provoking and if you haven´t seen it already, I can warmly recommend it! Anyway, it also provoked me to do this little sketching of one ofContinue reading “Little Heroes…”

Cormorants – birds with an attitude

I simply love drawing birds:) Cormorants are excellent divers and are therefore sometimes used by fishermen to do their job! (For instance in China, Japan or Greece). Somehow this couple´s “attitude” reminds me of David Bowie. Maybe it´s because of their piercing eyes…;)

In the Mood for … Degas – Dancers at Rehearsal – Part I

Yesterday I started to work on a new painting! This time it´s inspired by the french artist Edgar Degas, famous for his paintings, drawings, prints and even sculptures. Most people tend to think of him as the artist who depicted mostly ballet dancers, and it´s true: more than half of his work does in factContinue reading “In the Mood for … Degas – Dancers at Rehearsal – Part I”

Do we really have to go?

Here a little sketching of young Common swifts (Mauersegler; lat. apus apus, which derives from Ancient Greek and actually means “without feet”, ´cause they have really short legs, which they only use for climbing), doubting wether they should leave the nest…:)