Blue Sky Tag – Time for a little fun and distraction… #TGIF

A couple of weeks ago my wonderful friend Diana from over at Myths of the Mirror tagged us all for the Blue Sky Tag Please do yourself a favor and hop over to Diana´s fantastic blog – after you´ve read this post of course 😉 – because she´s a truly amazing writer with a sheerContinue reading “Blue Sky Tag – Time for a little fun and distraction… #TGIF”

Can I give you a hand? (Or 2, or 3,…)

Did you know that the skeleton of an average human hand consists of 27 bones? That´s why among other things it´s so very hard to mend them sometimes when broken.   Most people think, that drawing a face is difficult (which done properly surely is). But actually it´s even harder to draw a human hand.Continue reading “Can I give you a hand? (Or 2, or 3,…)”